Angolan doctor dies in police station after being caught without a mask on public roads – Africa


The Angolan Ministry of the Interior confirmed the death of an Angolan doctor, transferred by the police to a Luanda police station, for allegedly circulating on public roads without a mask, required by covid-19.

In a press release, the ministry says the incident occurred on Tuesday, and after going to the Catotes police station in Rocha Pinto, they explained to the doctor the methods to pay the fine and there was no ATM nearby. , called a close relative to make the payment.

The note adds that “minutes later, he showed signs of fatigue and began to faint, having had an apparent fall, which caused minor injuries to the head region.”

“Due to his serious condition, he was transferred to Hospital do Prenda and ended up perishing on the way,” the document underlines, adding that the Criminal Investigation Service intervened, transferring the victim to the morgue of the Josina Machel Hospital.

According to the authorities, the family of the deceased confirmed that the doctor suffered from hypertension, however, due to legal imperatives, an autopsy will be carried out on the corpse to determine the cause of death.

Meanwhile, the National Union of Doctors of Angola contradicts the police version, saying that the colleague was questioned by agents of the National Police for driving in his private vehicle, alone, without a mask.

According to the union, after the fall, the doctor was kept in the cell and hours later he was found dead.

“Only as soon as they found out that they were transferring the damaged vehicle to Hospital do Prenda in the police vehicle, where their irreversible cardiorespiratory arrest was confirmed,” says the union.

A group of colleagues from the David Bernardino Pediatric Hospital, where the deceased worked, after learning of the death, went to that morgue and was surprised because the drawer where the body was full of blood.

“The colleague has an incisive wound, such as a cut in the occipital region, which we presume was subjected to blows and hard blows that resulted in that wound and abundant bleeding,” the union highlights.

However, a source from the Interior Ministry said that the autopsy, carried out today in the presence of the family and a prosecutor, concluded that the doctor was not the target of any aggression.
