Angela wants to get pregnant with her deceased husband. Parliament approves post-mortem insemination


Most of the parties joined the struggle of a woman who intends to become pregnant by her late husband and approved medically assisted procreation after death, an initiative challenged by the PSD for whom “children have the right to have a father.”

The discussion in parliament arose from a Citizen Legislative Initiative (ILC), which gathered more than 20 thousand signatures, to enshrine post-mortem insemination in the Assisted Medical Procreation (PMA) law, promoted in February by Ângela Ferreira, who this Friday He attended the debate in the galleries of the Assembly of the Republic.

The CIT and the bills presented by the PS, BE and the PCP on post-mortem insemination were approved in parliament with the PSD and CDS-PP vote against It’s in abstention of five PS deputies (Romualda Fernandes, Isabel Rodrigues, Filipe Neto Brandão, Joaquina Matos, Eurídice Pereira).

The projects were harshly criticized by the deputy of the PSD Sandra Pereira, who questioned whether or not these children have the right to be born with a father or mother ”.

“After mature and thoughtful reflection, because we are naturally sensitive and in solidarity with the specific case that brought us here,” the PSD considered that reflection on these issues “cannot and should not be based exclusively on women’s rights,” but above all in the rights of the child.

The current law, he defended, “did not want to treat the donor as he treats a father. A father is something else, he brings history, he gives him a name, he attributes economic rights, inheritance rights,” Sandra Pereira stressed.

The words of the Social Democratic deputy created noise in parliament and drove the deputy from P.S. Pedro Delgado Alves reacts to his intervention at the end of the debate. “I did not expect a direct intervention in 1955, taking into account that the legislation on medically assisted procreation was changed in 2016 and already today admits the access of single women to the PMA,” said Pedro Delgado Alves, to loud applause.

He also said that it was strange that the deputy who “was rapporteur for the petition and rapporteur for the Citizen Legislative Initiative” did not realize that the law already provides for post-mortem insemination.

“What is at stake is discretion and arbitrariness in access to it, his intervention, with due respect, does not fit into this debate, nor would it fit into the previous debate,” criticized Pedro Delgado Alves.

In his speech, Moisés Ferreira, from TO BEHe thanked, like the rest of the deputies, the presence of the promoters of the initiative that provided the opportunity to carry out “this debate that is of the utmost importance.”

Thousands of women and men have joined this legislative initiative to tell us that the PMA law must be changed, which today continues to prohibit something that it should not prohibit and continues to prevent in certain cases the implementation of parental projects that it should not prevent “, stressed the blocking deputy.

Why does the woman have to be included in a waiting list of more than a year to be able to access PMA techniques using gametes from an anonymous donor when she decided with her partner to preserve hers for future use?

“There is no answer to these motives. It is violence that is carried out on the surviving couple of this couple” and on “the parental project that was freely constituted,” said Moisés Ferreira.

The proposal of PCP It is going in the same direction, with the PCP deputy Paula Santos saying that her party wanted to make a contribution to the possibility of a legal solution for these cases.

Ana Rita Bessa, from CDP-PPHe affirmed that his party “is not insensitive” to the case of Angela Ferreira and that he is not “indifferent” to her cause.

“We realized that under the current PMA law that the CDS did not approve, it generates discrimination, I would say inequity.” At the same time, the party recognizes “this discrimination – in the light of current law”, with which it does not agree – and understands that “there are other values ​​to consider and that are explained in the opinions of the National Ethics Council for the Life Sciences and the National Council for Procreation with Medical Assistance “.

For Bibiana Cunha, from BREAD, the feeling of injustice felt by Ângela Ferreira is “legitimate” and announced that, in terms of specialty, the PAN will present proposals, that is, in matters of succession.

“A child conceived using a ‘post mortem’ technique, the result of a known but deceased donor, brings a difficulty that must be addressed. And perhaps this is the main reason why the law has not yet provided for it,” he said.

João Cotrim Figueiredo, from Liberal InitiativeHe stressed that what was discussed today was “the right to have children with the person if he so chose,” he considered “unacceptable discrimination” what is happening.

For José Luís Ferreira, of the party Green, “A woman who initiates an MPA process during the illness of her husband or partner having cryopreserved his semen with prior signed consent must in fact be able to continue the desire of the partner.”
