André Ventura says Costa is a “nasty guy” with a “Santa Indian look” – Observer


André Ventura tensed the moment, as if preparing for a grand finale. During a rally as a presidential candidate on Saturday night in Coimbra, leader Chega said in the pulpit that the prime minister was “Kind of nasty, who thinks it’s funny“Which” makes everything worse. ” And he added: “Because with that air of yours …”. Then he anticipated that he had doubts about what he was going to say next (“I don’t want to say anything that I will regret tomorrow”). But after the suspense – which he usually uses to capture the attention of the speech – there he ended up saying with the room in ecstasy: “With that air of Indian Santa Claus. “

André Ventura tried to soften the attack, saying that he did not mean it with “bad intentions. In addition, he immediately tried to anticipate the criticism that he already knew would provoke what he had just said: “Tomorrow [vamos ler]: ‘Enough racism. ‘ Now we have the proof, they will say“.

António Costa is of Goan descent. His father, the writer Orlando Costa, although he was born in Maputo (Mozambique) is the son of a Catholic from Goa. The Prime Minister is, as Public has already written, a descendant of the Catholic Brahmins of Goa.

At the same event, André Ventura anticipated that he will do a “new show “next Sunday, this time “against rot and pedophilia “. The Chega leader says that he will go out to the streets to ask for the “chemical castration of pedophiles” and send “pedophiles to prison.”

Ventura made several references to the Casa Pia case and said that Paulo Pedroso was “acquitted by the courts as we know.” André Ventura also said that it was a “shame” that Ana Gomes announced “as her campaign coordinator, Paulo Pedroso”. The Chega leader also said that, instead of depending on him, “the Paulos Pedrosoes of this life will not pass into Portuguese political life,” accusing the former minister of representing “the worst that Portuguese politics has: the connection with the lobbies. socialists “and” the influences that made the PS move in the so-called Casa Pia process.
