André Ventura fined more than 400 euros for discriminating against Roma | Racism


The president of Chega, André Ventura, was fined 438.81 euros for discriminating against Roma, in an August publication on the social network Facebook, condemned the Commission for Equality and Against Racial Discrimination (CICDR).

According to the CICDR decision, to which Lusa had access, the only deputy from the far-right parliamentary party carried out an infraction, punishable by a fine, for “discrimination based on harassment based on ethnic origin”.

André Ventura can still be heard or let the case go to the Public Ministry, which will or will not bring an accusation. In the worst case, a crime of racial discrimination is at stake, with a maximum penalty of five years in prison.

The publication of the also presidential candidate, dated August 21, 2020 and subject to a complaint by Letras Nomada (Association for Research and Promotion of Gypsy Communities) was accompanied by a graph on the “main sources of income of people by groups old”.

“The truth always prevails. Almost 90% of the Roma community live on “other things” besides their own work. As long as we do not realize that here there is a structural problem of subsidy and deliberate non-integration, it will continue to grow uncontrollably, ”the Chega leader wrote at the time.

Ventura has constantly attacked the Roma community in Portugal and, on Monday, in an interview with TVI, even put it as a condition for the viability of a right-wing government to “resolve the Roma issue.”

Joacine criticizes the fine

The unregistered deputy Joacine Katar Moreira (ex-Livre) criticized the amount of the fine imposed on the leader of Chega, for discrimination against Roma citizens, considering that André Ventura will pay the price “of a peanut.”

“438.81 euros is not even half the cost of a outdoor that Chega has en masse throughout the country. 438.81 euros, the price of the fine, is the price of a peanut for André Ventura, who for years spits on an entire community and gets away with it “, lamented the deputy, this Wednesday, in a publication shared in the social network Facebook.

For Joacine Katar Moreira, that is the value of “inaction” and of “not assuming racism as a struggle to fight in this society”, considering that the Chega leader “is an aggressor and cannot get away with his racist and xenophobic acts and comments, for more as an elected representative ”.

“Shame, your favorite word, is what you should have on your face and it is not. And I am also ashamed to know that all racist violence and misinformation costs 400 euros for this aggressor ”, he concluded.
