Ana Gomes with participation in PGR to extinguish Chega


Ana Gomes she had already warned that, if elected, she would move forward with the request for “review of the legalization of Enough“. She was not elected, but is still moving forward with a complaint Attorney General’s Office (PGR), although against what defended the socialist leader and prime minister, António Costa, for whom the outlawing is not an answer. “It is fundamental to respond to the political causes that explain the existence of Chega in society,” he stressed a month ago.

Enumerating a list of more than 40 points, with quotes and publications from various media to justify the claim, the former candidate for the presidential election – who came in second place, but with only one percentage point more than André Ventura – He advanced the formal request. “THE constitutional Court [TC] is he Public ministry [MP] they cannot continue to exempt themselves from the responsibility entrusted to them, ”emphasizes the former diplomat, requesting the PGR to“ instruct the MP to initiate a process of reviewing the legality of the Basta Party by the TC and considering the possible judicial termination of that party. “

In the action presented, it also asks to investigate the origin of the financing of the party and its leaders and “the aggressions, threats and incitements to violence that said party, its leaders and several militants have been unleashing against journalists and political activists, including the signatory” , guaranteeing that he was the target of “threats and crimes” on Twitter, denounced whenever detected, “even with the ominous public instigation of” they are not welcome. “

Stressing that “it is up to the MP to request the extinction of political parties classified as armed or military, militarized or paramilitary, or as a racist organization or one that shares the fascist ideology,” the former candidate adds that it will bring participation “to the president of the European Commission , the President of the European Parliament, the Director of the Agency for Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, the Secretary General of the United Nations and the directors of Europol and Eurojust.
