Ana Gomes ranks second with 14% of voting intentions | Presidential election


More than 46 percentage points currently separate the two highest-ranked presidential candidates in the Intercampus poll, revealed this Wednesday by the Mail in the morning, CMTV e Business journal. Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa continues in first place, with an outstanding 60.3% and Ana Gomes surpassed André Ventura, moving to second place, with 14%.

With this result, and despite having lost 7.4 points in relation to the last opinion poll of the same company, published a month ago, the current president of the Republic could be reelected in the first round. But first, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has yet to submit the new application, which should only happen in November.

Ana Gomes, who started the race almost a week ago, rose more than five points (from 8.7 to 14%), beating André Ventura. Chega’s candidate fell from 10.1 to 9.4%, losing less than one point but falling to third place. It should be remembered that, as soon as Ana Gomes advanced, the deputy also announced that she would resign if she fell behind the socialist in the elections.

It is followed by Marisa Matias, with 6.2% (two points more) and Jerónimo de Sousa, with 2.9% (0.4 more than in August) – the field work was done before the PCP presented João Ferreira as a candidate for Belém (João Ferreira was announced on Saturday the 12th and the telephone interviews ended on the 9th).

Tiago Mayan Gonçalves, who is the candidate of the Liberal Initiative, was considered for the first time for the poll, with 0.5% of the voting intentions. None of the other candidates have been tested.

The survey was conducted by Intercampus and consisted of 614 telephone interviews conducted between September 4 and 9. 27 interviewers participated. The maximum sampling error for this study, for a 95% confidence interval, is plus or minus 4%.
