Ana Gomes keeps her word and gives up participation in the PGR to abolish Chega



In the request sent to the PGR, the candidate who came second in the 2021 presidential elections, ahead of the Chega leader, indicated several appointments that André Ventura made to legitimize the reevaluation.

One of the actions that Ana Gomes guaranteed to carry out, should she be elected President of the Republic, would be to proceed with the request for a “review of the legalization” of the Chega party. That moment has come and it has already been handed over to the Attorney General’s Office (PGR).

In the request sent to the PGR, the candidate who came second in the 2021 presidential elections, ahead of the Chega leader, indicated several appointments that André Ventura made to legitimize the reevaluation.

“Or Constitutional Court [TC] and the Public Ministry [MP] they cannot continue to exempt themselves from the responsibility that has been committed to them, “says the former MEP in the request, cited by Diário de Notícias, this Wednesday, when demanding that the PGR [Ministério Público] trigger a process to review the legality of the Basta Party by the TC and consider the eventual judicial termination of that party.

In addition to the statements of the different party leaders, Ana Gomes calls for an investigation into the origin of Chega’s financing and “the attacks, threats and incitements to violence that the party, its leaders and various militants have unleashed against journalists and political activists , including the signatory ”.

Ana Gomes confesses that she will inform international entities from the request, such as the European Commission, the European Parliament, the Agency for Fundamental Rights of the European Union, the Council of Europe, the UN, Europol and Eurojust.
