Ana Gomes is a candidate: ″ It cannot be ignored which part of the system has corroded ″


Former socialist MEP Ana Gomes said on Thursday that she could not “desert” the fight for the next presidential elections given the situation in the country and considered the devaluation “of this election by the PS” unacceptable.

In the statement in which she announced her entry into the race to Belém, at the Casa de Imprensa, in Lisbon, Ana Gomes promised to collaborate with governments, to be dialogues, but also to fight against the interests installed in the name of transparency.

At a press conference in which she chose not to appear surrounded by supporters, Ana Gomes said that, “for months and months,” she waited for her party to present its own candidate, outside of its ranks or in its political sphere, but that did not it happened. .

“I do not understand or accept the devaluation of an act as significant as the presidential elections. The President of the Republic is not elected to govern, but the Constitution assigns him a vital role in the balance of the political and party system. defend the Constitution “he declared.

The former PS MEP then left two questions addressed to the leadership of her party: “How can democratic socialism not participate in these elections? How can it excuse itself from being genuinely represented in a democratic competition for the highest office of the nation? “

“Even more so when we live in strange times, of a serious economic crisis triggered by the health crisis with a global impact. Times that announce unemployment, social and political tensions, more inequality, more insecurity ”, he pointed out.

In this context, Ana Gomes stressed that her candidacy will represent “the field of democratic and progressive socialism.”

“I have a history of civic and political engagement, personally and professionally at the national, European and international level that enables me to represent you. I am open and I can speak and I want to hear from all democratic sectors, ”he said.

The former socialist MEP then attacked the extreme right-wing currents.

“We know that antidemocratic forces opportunistically lurk for authoritarian purposes that can only bring repression and violence, as history teaches. Nor is it possible to ignore that part of the system, poured into the institutions of the Republic, was allowed to corrode, seize by financial interests economic or otherwise, which do not represent or serve the general public interest, “he added.
