Ana Gomes asked her friend to bring her a flu shot from France. Infarmed says it’s forbidden


This Tuesday Ana Gomes published a tweet in which she realizes that, due to the lack of availability of flu vaccines, she ended up taking one “brought by a friend from France.” The publication intended to show the presidential candidate’s indignation with the health authorities, also denouncing that, although there are vaccines, they are “reserved for certain people from certain companies, who bought them.” In response to the “Observer”, INFARMED – National Authority for Medicines and Health Products – affirms that “the importation of medicines for users’ own use is not legally supported.”

In the tweet published on Tuesday, the 66-year-old presidential candidate also explains that she signed up to get vaccinated in September but that, “tired of waiting for availability at a pharmacy,” she decided to make the request to her friend. However, according to Infarmed, in addition to being prohibited, importation for personal use “poses risks to the health of consumers”, explaining, according to the Observer, that “the conditions of safety, quality and efficacy required for a drug, either during the acquisition process or during the transportation itself. ”Therefore, it concludes that“ consumers can only purchase drugs in pharmacies (community and hospital) and in places of sale of drugs not subject to medical prescription.

Given the information, Ana Gomes said she was not aware that it was illegal to ask for the vaccine to come from France, explaining that it was administered in a pharmacy. The presidential candidate also added that she did not find any obstacles to taking the vaccine, as she has just said that “normally” the pharmacy in question only administers vaccines bought locally.

Ana Gomes gave her details and was registered in the system as vaccinated against the flu. “This friend of mine is Portuguese and lives in France, she took the vaccine to her husband, who is British, but meanwhile her husband had taken it and she had one more vaccine,” she explained to the Observer.
