Among references to Abril and Mestre de Avis, João Ferreira points out 10 failures to Marcelo with his eyes aimed at the Presidential elections – News


In a speech heard in silence on the second day of the 12th PCP congress, in Loures, Lisbon, the communist MEP spoke only of Marcelo’s “evil” during the last five years, without mentioning his name.

There are “April values” in the Constitution that the current president ignored and took, accused, “an action that contributed, directly or indirectly, to degrade the living conditions of the workers.”

This was the first failure, followed by what he did to “contain and never promote the evolution of wages, in a country where many are impoverished to work”, to “endanger the National Health Service, guaranteeing the diversion of resources “. to fuel the disease business. “

The other failures, in Ferreira’s reading, were taking sides with the “interests of economic and financial groups”, remembering only the “abandoned interior”, but “after the catastrophe” of the fires and failing to value “culture and who work in it. ”.

Finally, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, “at a critical moment”, contributed to “weaken rights, freedoms and guarantees, intrinsic to the democratic regime, something that the health emergency does not justify.”

On the contrary, a President of the Republic must “mobilize the Portuguese people” in defense of the “valorization of work and Portuguese”, in the strengthening of public services and the SNS or even in “deepening democracy and strengthening its roots in Portuguese society ”. ”.

These are values ​​inscribed “in the pages of the Constitution” and cannot be “a dead letter as some want,” he said.

João Ferreira also attacked right-wing parties, with an implicit reference to the extreme right and to Chega, whom he did not name.

“The structural problems that Portugal is leading will not be solved with the right-wing politics that created them, nor obviously with the demagogic, populist and admittedly undemocratic variants of that policy.

On the contrary, problems “are solved with decisive action” on the part of the people, he added.

“A people that acclaimed Mestre de Avis, rescued national independence from Spanish rule, overthrew a decrepit monarchy and established the Republic, fought against fascism and forged this brilliant April time, will know how to find and follow the paths of development and progress , to fulfill their deepest aspirations, “he said.

Standing applauded at the beginning and at the end, João Ferreira said that it was necessary to “open a horizon of hope in the life of this country” in these elections.

“Either because of the specific content of the powers of the President of the Republic, or because of the dynamics that these elections entail and induce, they will not cease to significantly influence, for better or for worse, the course of national life,” warned the Presidential candidate of the PCP. .
