Amid the shouting and insults, neither Trump nor Biden could think: Observer


At first, there wasn’t even a sound. The moderator, Fox News reporter Chris Wallace, took the stage of the debate and addressed an audience of about 90 people, and no one at home heard anything. Absolute silence. For a moment, there was a replay of the 1976 scenario in which Republican Gerald Ford and Democrat Jimmy Carter were silenced and the debate had to be interrupted.

But, without much trouble, the sound returned. And what he brought was not good.

[Pode rever aqui o debate desta terça-feira na íntegra]

Quickly, with the sound restored, came what was probably the loudest, most gruesome and aggressive of the presidential debates in remembrance of the United States. For 90 minutes, Donald Trump and Joe Biden faced off. between exchanges of insults and constant interruptions. If the lack of sound was referring to 1976, the animosity that was heard as soon as the decibels exploded is unprecedented, and raises questions about the 34 days until the elections and more about those that will follow on November 3.

At a certain point in the debate, the moderator was able to impose his voice on that of the two candidates and said: “The country would be better served if we let everyone speak with fewer interruptions. I ask you to do that “.

What they did was very different.

Joe Biden’s team set out to convey a very clear message to the American press: that the Democratic candidate prepared for this debate with the aim of talking about the issues and not about Donald Trump. And in the end, Biden didn’t even speak for Triumph. The idea was to look into the eyes of the spectators at home and speak directly to each one.

Donald Trump had a different strategy. Focusing on betting on the weaknesses of his opponent, which he has been exposing for months, the Republican showed from the beginning that his goal was to constantly pressure Joe Biden. And if necessary, never take your eyes off him and make sure that by doing the same, viewers see all the flaws that he sees in the former vice president himself.

But theory is one thing, practice is another.

Before this debate, Trump and Biden were together in public only once: at the current president’s inauguration on January 20-21. That morning, it was just a handshake and quick words about the circumstances. For the rest, they never exchanged a word in front of the public. And, as such, it was not certain that each could firmly maintain their strategy in this debut.

Here, Joe Biden was the first to deviate from his path, and thus become entangled in the web woven by Donald Trump to divert him from his rehearsed ideas and the topics he studied, dragging him before. for a 90 minute talk.

Biden still resisted. Before the 20-minute mark, after Trump accused him of being a hostage to the left wing of the Democratic Party and wanting to create a socialist healthcare system (a proposal he has always opposed, even in the primaries), the former vice president -The president said what he had probably trained: “I will not be reporting his lies, because everyone knows he is a liar.”

Therefore, Biden was determined to pretend that Trump was not by his side. But this is not how a debate works, and the Republican set out to remember it, constantly interrupting, always going beyond the moderator when questioning his opponent. “Honestly, you’re making more interruptions than him.”Chris Wallace said at a certain height to Donald Trump.

This became clear when, in the opening issue, the Supreme Court, Joe Biden was asked to respond whether he supported the tactic of the cutting packaging, already defended by some Democrats, who, before the appointment of another conservative justice to the Supreme Court, have been telling the public that they can adopt this tactic of creating more seats in that body of justice. if a Democratic presidency and a majority in the Senate of the same color coincide.

Joe Biden, so far, has refused to support or reject this tactic, and in this debate, it was no different. In response, Chris Wallace pressed the question. But it was barely heard, because Donald Trump was already asking from above: “Are you going to fill the fields? Will it fill the courts? Are you going to fill the fields? ”.

It was here that Biden succumbed and, still without looking at Donald Trump, said an exasperated: “Can you be quiet, man?”

Later, faced with a new barrage of interruptions by Donald Trump against Joe Biden, the former vice president stopped speaking and blurted out: “It’s hard to say a word with this clown“. Then, with raised hands, he added, “I’m sorry, with this person.” “Person” who still called “clown” again throughout the debate. “Do you have any idea what this clown is doing?” Biden asked the moderator directly. There was no answer.

Often times, Trump’s interruptions have not been followed: Joe Biden tried to continue his speech, trying to speak from above without breaking his reasoning. He managed to do it most of the time, but in other cases he let the president of the United States interrupt him.

In one of those moments, Donald Trump took the opportunity to throw a splinter, most likely studied, when he caught Joe Biden saying perhaps one of the strongest phrases among those he said in the debate, when the topic was the pandemic: “Many people died and many more are going to die. , unless he gets a lot smarter and very fast. “

Trump grabbed, but not where Joe Biden wanted. “Did you use the word smart?” He replied wryly. “You finished the course as one of the worst students of your year, so never use the word ‘smart’ with me, because there is nothing ‘smart’ about you,” Trump said. “He hasn’t done anything in 47 years,” he added, referring to the time Joe Biden has spent from Washington DC since he was elected senator from Delaware.

Amid the scream, there was some politics, which the moderator tried to force into the 90-minute clash. Here, as in the exchange of insults, Donald Trump did not take his eyes off Joe Biden and Joe Biden did not take his eyes off Chris Wallace and the camera that focused on him.

The first topic was Supreme Court and the appointment of Conservative Judge Amy Coney Barrett to the vacant post with the death of Liberal Ruth Bader Ginsburg. This is an issue where both sides of American politics have glass ceilings, and as such, both candidates have sought, rather than defend their side, to attack the opposite.

With Justice Amy Coney Barrett at the center, the battle for the Supreme Court began, where everyone has glass roofs.

Joe Biden opened that precedent by accusing Donald Trump of wanting, with a more conservative Supreme Court, to “get rid of the Affordable Care Act”, the health care system that Barack Obama installed (so much so that it is known as Obamacare) and that Donald Trump promised, there four years, to abolish. In the end, this did not happen, there were some changes, such as the end of the legal obligation to have health insurance, instituted by that health regime.

Donald Trump quickly seized the opportunity to accuse Joe Biden of wanting to end private insurance and wanting to follow the Bernie Sanders line. “Your party is socialist and they want to dominate you, you know that Joe,” said Donald Trump. The Democrat responded: “Now I am the Democratic Party, the Democratic Party program is what I approved.” And he took the discussion to Covid-19: “The 200,000 people who died in their turn, what does that mean if it ends the Affordable Care Act?” And he insisted: “200 thousand dead, more than 7 million infected in the US. We have 4% of the world’s population, 20% of the deaths. 4,000 people a day contract Covid-19. When faced with the numbers, he said ‘it is what it is’. It is what it is because you are who you are ”.
