Alter do Chão. “It is the mirror of impunity for those who attack the authorities”


The controversy of a wedding in Alter do Chão that lasted five days and brought together 50 people, and in which GNR soldiers were attacked when they came to ask for moderation in the celebrations, was devalued by the GNR national command, but the National Association Professional Guard has a completely different version. “The patrol went to the place [no dia 23] and he was surrounded by people who were at that party ”, explained António Barreira, coordinator of the southern region of the Association of Professionals of Guarda (APG). “However, the police car was kicked and a lit cigarette was thrown at it,” said the leader, referring that “the elements of the guard, who had arrived at the place at the request of the population – who felt uncomfortable – managed to leave the neighborhood with difficulty because the exit and the entrance are the same, there is a kind of alley ”.

Although the GNR denied the news published about the supposed “party without rules”, stating that it was a “Christmas party” held by the residents of the Horta das Furnas neighborhood, the Associação dos Médicos da Guarda guaranteed that the two guards summoned to the site tried to “calmly explain” to the participants that the “noise bothered the rest of the neighbors”.

The escalation of violence

According to António Barreira, there has been an escalation of violence along with impunity, which “leads to this type of behavior towards the security forces.” “The field has a very old population who clearly felt fear and called GNR when they reviewed the party. For this reason, the Alter do Chão episode reflects the impunity of those who attack the authorities, ”added Barreira.

On Christmas Eve there were ten active cases of covid-19 in Alter do Chão, according to data available on the official website of the municipality. That same day, in order to organize an illegal party with around fifty people, around midnight, the GNR was summoned to the place due to complaints of excessive noise. According to a statement to which it had access, GNR said that “nothing indicates that there was a wedding ceremony”, but rather “a Christmas party traditionally celebrated by the inhabitants of that neighborhood,” having occurred “in their residences and their annexes, including a tent.” .

However, the population, like the Guards Professionals Association, seems to have the opposite opinion. “I know what happened, but I am serving people and I cannot have these conversations on the phone,” was the answer given by the employee of one of the main grocery stores in the city when asked about these events.

state of emergency

An official source of the GNR explained that “there are no restrictions on movement between municipalities, nor is there a general duty to charge for this period,” nothing justified other behavior by the security forces.

The GNR admitted that a man was identified in the area of ​​the patrol and a report was drawn up for the Portalegre Justice Court, and a counter-order report for neighborhood noise was also prepared.

Even so, after the mobilization of other patrols, no other incidents were recorded in the following days, according to the GNR national command.
