Almost 2 million infected. Trump cuts funds to WHO


Dand according to the balance published today by Direction-General health (DGS), 32 more deaths were recorded in the last 24 hours, bringing the total number of deaths in the country to 567. 514 new cases of infectedin the space of a day In total, there are 17,448 sick people with Covid-19 in Portugal.

In the European context, the most serious situation continues to occur in Italy, which today represented 21,067 deaths, with 162,000 cases of infection since the beginning of pandemic in the country. Spain updated this Monday the death toll to 18,056, with a record of 172,541 cases of infection.

Globally, the United States is, at this time, the most affected by pandemic virus SARSCoV-2, which causes the disease Covid-19. The total number of deaths since the beginning of pandemic in the country today it amounted to 23,529, with more than 550 thousand people infected.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news in the Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world:

00h00 – Today’s registration ends here, it will resume on Wednesday morning. You already know, check the information in the DGS and always follow the communications of the competent authorities. If you have symptoms:

Continental Portugal SNS24: 808 24 24 24

Madeira SNS24: 800 24 24 20

Azores SNS24: 808 24 60 24

Do you just want to ask questions? Don’t overload phone lines: [email protected]

11:50 pm – And in Portugal? Portugal today records 567 deaths associated with greedy-19, 32 more than on Monday and 17,448 infected (more 514). On the map below, you can see a list of the daily death record since 18 March, announcement date of the first death.

11:30 pm Here is a balance of the number of deaths and infections in the three more affected, at this time:

  • U.S. It continues to be the country with the most deaths and cases of infection in the world. It has already exceeded 25,000 deaths and 600,000 cases of infection;
  • Italy The death toll has risen to 21,067 today, with 602 more in the past 24 hours. The total number of infected people is now 162,488;
  • Spain Spain recorded 567 deaths in the last 24 hours, the lowest number since 23 March, with a total of 18,056 so far deaths. The total number of people who contracted the disease was 172,541;

11:30 pm – The American President, Donald trumpsaid Tuesday that he gave instructions to cut, at least temporarily, funding for the World Health Organization (WHO), following a threat that I have seen done for a few days, blaming the organization for poor crisis management pandemic.

11:10 pm – Global figures for pandemic:

  • 1,991,275 cases of infection, of which:
  • 467,074 recover (2. 3%);
  • 1,398,250 are cases goods (70%), of which 51,561 are in serious condition (3.7%);
  • 125,951 died (6.3%).

These data were taken from here, a global map with updates Automatic Here you can confirm the data available today by the European Center for the Prevention and Control of Communicable Diseases (ECDC), but do not include figures provided by different countries throughout the day.

11:00 pm – A happy story. Born in 1918, Pierina Quagliatti, 102, and her grandson, Leonardo, 2, left the hospital this week where they were both hospitalized with Covid-19.

10:55 pm – A person in charge of the emergency management department in San Francisco, United States, revealed to the CNN that 102 people tested positive for Covid-19 in one of the largest homeless shelters from the city Californianhe MSC South

10:50 pm – Can zoos kill animals in Germany? German media reported Tuesday that zoos are implementing contingency plans that include killing some animals if the quarantine remains unsolved for their businesses.

A director from the zoo Pneumünster, Verena KaspariHe told Die Welt newspaper, quoted by The Guardian, that they had already made “a list of animals we will have to kill first,” even admitting that some will feed others. The woman said that this measure would be adopted as a last resort for being “unpleasant”. “If we get to that point, I will have to sacrifice animals, it’s better than letting them starve. “

10:40 pm – A pediatrician Maria do Céu Machado defended today opening hours telecommuting does not match for couples who care for their children at home by Covid-19, to avoid feeling distressed and frustrated as parents and professionals.

10:30 pmSee the latest here updates on pandemic here:

  • He Madeira Regional Health Service today announced the creation of ‘Linha Idoso’ and asked families to keep their older relatives in respective homes;
  • A Transportes Sul do Tejo (TST) clarified today that it was to “maintain the sustainability the company “that suspended the careers related to Lisbon and placed 545 workers in dismissal;
  • The conditions of installation and operation of a house today closed in Famalicão “they pose an imminent danger to the quality of life and the rights of users”;
  • More than 75,500 vehicles were inspected by the Public Security Police in Outdoor, in the Ascope operation ‘Easter at home’, between the 9th and 13th of April;
  • The Regional Health Authority of Azores today revealed that the cruise ship’s crew Marella Explorer II is admitted to the region and will be evaluated for Covid-19.

10:15 pm – New wave of Covid-19 us USES? The data collected by Morgan Stanley indicates that there are great possibilities for a new pandemic in the United States between the beginning of winter until the month of March.

10:10 pmMasks in lisbon. The Lisbon Municipal Assembly today approved by majority a recommendation for the widespread use of masks protection individual in “situations of interaction social “and a wide dissemination of the rules of its Right use.

10 pm“TO pandemic it’s new, but segregation in the health system continues. “ Jon Zelner, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health in the United States, highlights the impact of pandemic different strata of society, underlining their inequality.

Even in the United States, Democratic Party lawmakers want to compel US federal health officials. USA to reveal the race of victims of Covid-19, arguing that black communities and hisptosingle Record indices contagion above the national average.

9:47 pm – “We cannot leave victims of domestic violence alone”. BE coordinator Catarina Martins asked today “tolertoncia zero to domestic violence “, appealing to these victims, in times of social isolation due to the pandemic, don’t be alone.

Recall here the interview of Rosa Monteiro, Secretary of State for Citizenship and Equality, to Notícias ao Minuto: “We are anticipating a boom in complaints of domestic violence.”

9:45 pm – A pandemic of the new coronavirus killed 123,920 people and infected almost two million worldwide since December, according to an agency report AFPat 7pm GMT from today. There are still records of 1,961,950 cases of infection officially diagnosed in 193 countries and territories since the epidemic began, in December past in China.

9:37 pm – National Federation of Civil Service Unions says the executive prepares “large-scale layoffs” in public schoolsin thescope of the measures implemented due to the pandemic of greedy-19, what to affect 2,500 non-teaching workers.

9:30 pm – Brazil numbers. The Brazilian Ministry of Health says that in the last 24 hours, 204 more related to Covid-19, bringing to 1532 the number of deaths in the country. As for the number of new cases, from Sunday to Monday of 1832 new infections were registered, with the total number of cases. infected It already exceeds the threshold of 25 thousand.

9.15 pm – The Prime Minister reports, via Twitter, on the meeting with “a group of economists and academics in the prospects for the Portuguese economy and the relaunch of exercise economic “.

It is recalled that the Prime Minister and the Minister of the Economy were, in the afternoon of this Tuesday, in a meeting whose focus was on the relaunch of the exercise economic crisis pandemic.

9:10 pm – Impact on families with fewer resources. Between the families earning up to 1,000 euros, 43% recorded a drop in income from the Covid-19 placed the country in quarantine, a value that exceeds the global average of 36.8% of these situations, indicates a study by the Catholic University.

9:07 pmA positive video. Johty Kesavan he was hospitalized for weeks at the University Hospital of Croydon and this Sunday he was able to meet his family again.

9:04 pm – TO Un warned today that the new coronavirus is influencing the implementation of the peace agreement in colombia and urged all parties to continue their participation to avoid the process being “a victim of this pandemic

8:54 pm – Three hundred and nineteen prisoners were released todayunder the rules exceptional Linked to pandemic of the coronavirus, totaling 1,080 the number of prisoners already released since Saturday, indicated today the Superior Council of the Judiciary.

8:48 pm – he Azores today recorded a new positive case of Covid-19, an 88-year-old user of the Holy House of Mercy of the Northeast, on the island of São Miguel, which increases the number of confirmed cases in the institution to six.

8:43 pm – He governor of rio de janeiroWilson Witzel, Announces being infected with Covid-19.

8:37 pm – The president of the Republic, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, spoke today with the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces (CEMGFA) on possibility of “greater participation” of the Armed Forces in the fight pandemic of Covid-19.

8:30 pm – With the partial return to work that is already taking place in Spain, the Ministry of Health reminds that workers must guarantee distance and hygiene measures at home, especially for those who live with people who belong to groups at risk.

8:23 pm – France Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian, called the Chinese ambassador to France to express his “clear disapproval” by recent comments on how France is handling the crisis in the coronavirus, according to The Guardian.

A statement released this Sunday on the website of the Chinese embassy in France stated that household officials had “deserted” collectively, leaving residents to starve and die. ”

8:14 pm – Two of the largest pharmaceutical companies the world will work together to develop a vaccine for Covid-19. A CNN reveals that GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) and Sanofi They plan to start clinical trials in the second half of this year. A GSK and the Sanofi We hope that the vaccine will be available in the second half of 2021.

8:05 pm – He Turkish Ministry of Health announced that they were detected 4,062 new cases of infection and 107 more deaths in the last 24 hours. In total, Turkey has more than 65,000 cases of Covid-19 and 1,404 deaths, reports the Associated Press. Almost 5,000 people have recovered from the disease in the country.

7:59 pm – A pandemic of the new coronavirus It forced the postponement of fifty hundred elections worldwide, according to an estimate by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.

7:56 pm – The Madeira archipelago today registered two more cases of infections for Covid-19, raising the number of positive cases to 53, announced today the Institute of Health Administration (IASAÚDE) in the region.

19:52 – At the end of a meeting in which he discussed the relaunch of the economy with the Prime Minister, António Costa, the Minister of Economy, Pedro Siza Vieira said that the economic recovery will begin next year.

Regarding restrictive measures actually in force, he discovered that “there is an important exchange of the idea that we must build trust collective in the ability to protect the most fragile elements of the population as the restrictions are lifted.

7:43 pm – A team of scientists from the Harvard School of Public Health admits that social distance measures in the United States may have to remain in effect until 2022, unless a vaccine is readily available.

7:38 pm – In New Zeltondia four more people died due to Covid-19. This was the highest number of deaths in 24 hours in New Zeltondia, increasing the total number of deaths in the country to nine, the CNN. The new Zeltondia It has registered at least 1,366 confirmed cases.

19h29 – Portuguese detained in Luxembourg calls for release. David Andrade de Oliveira is being held in a Luxembourg prison and spent eight days on a hunger strike, demanding, among others. aspects, the early departure of prisoners at the end of their sentences. The activated newspaper assured that there is no protection of prisoners against Covid-19 at the Luxembourg Prison Center.

19h28 – In the last 24 hours, The authorities 16 other people arrested for the crime of disobediencein thescope of the state of emergency in force since 00:00 on 3 April. To date, according to the Ministry of Internal Administration (MAI), 142 people have been detained.

7:24 pm – He director national of PSP today praised the “relationship exceptional“of PSP with the GNR in times of Covid-19 and said that the two forces have supported each other and can still ask for help from the Armed Forces, if necessary.

7:20 pm – he Union of stevedores and Exercise Logistics(SEAL) revealed today that there is “a confirmed case of contagion from a robber in the port of Leixões” for the new coronavirus (SARSCoV-2) and called for a “general inspection” at national ports.

7:15 pmStay up to date with the latest local news:

6:46 pm – The Secretary-General of the United Nations, António Guterres, announced on Tuesday an initiative to “flood the Internet with facts and science “, in an effort to stop the rapid spread of “another epidemic: the dangerous epidemic of disinformation

“This is a time for science and solidarity. However, it is spreading to ‘dysinfodemia‘global. Dangerous health tips and snake fat solutions are proliferating. (…) hate it’s going viral, stigmatizing and vilifying people and groups. The world must also unite against this disease “he said.

18h22 – Numbers in France. Health authorities indicate that the death toll increased to 15,729 in the country, registering an additional 762 deaths in the last 24 hours (541 in the hospital and 221 in homes or institutions), the highest number in three days. There is also a record of 103,573 confirmed cases of infection since the beginning of pandemic, with 5,497 on the last day, the highest number since March.

The country separates deaths it occurred in health institutions of those that occur in homes or social centers, generating a certain disparity in the presentation of numbers. Until now, 10,129 people died in hospitals and 5,600 in homes.

6:15 pm – A newborn with a visor adapted for protection against the new coronavirus. Praram 9 Hospital in Bangkok, Thailandndia, created these visors to protect the little ones.

Thorough newsNewborn with visor protectionin Thailandndia© Getty Images

18h09 – Crown festival. He first short film festival created in times of social isolationbecause greedy-19, will take place in May, free and online, at the initiative of a group of German film professionals.

6:07 pm – Numbers in Mozambique. The number of officially registered cases of infection for the new coronavirus in Mozambique it increased from 21 to 28, the Ministry of Health announced today. The country has no history of deaths due to pandemic.

6:05 pm – Covid-19 in Brazil. The Brazilian government attributes today 51% increase in deforestation in the Amazon jungle in its territory in the first quarter of the year with greater efforts to combat pandemic caused by the new coronavirus.

The number of new cases. coronavirus in Brazil may have exceeded 313 thousand people, according to a numerical modeling analysis presented by researchers from the University of São Paulo (USP) and other research centers in the country

5:53 pm – Numbers in Ireland. Irish health officials report 41 new deaths and 832 new cases of infection. Ireland accounts for a total of 406 deaths related to Covid-19 and 11,479 cases of infection.

5:48 pm – The Minister of Agriculture of Italy defended today regularization of 600,000 undocumented immigrants to help revive the economystrongly affected by pandemic Linked to coronavirus, leading to criticism from the extreme right.

5:32 pm – Solidarity. A British Army veteran who joined the fundraising fight against Covid-19, launched a challenge on social media to raise £ 1,000 to help England’s National Health Service, and the campaign far exceeded initial figures.

5:31 pm – He cruise Marella Explorer II, which will have cases of infection for Covid-19 on board and asked to dock in the Azores, is already out of Portuguese waters, the Ministry of Infrastructure advanced today.

5:29 pm – He U.S This week they resumed flights to deport immigrants to Guatemala, after a break of several days due to the registration of three cases of infection for the new coronavirus between deportees.

However, the main adviser to the White House in the crisis of pandemic of Covid-19, Anthony FauciHe said today that the time has not yet come to reopen the United States economy.

5:27 pm – Mossad. The Israeli secret services are deeply involved in efforts to stop the spread of pandemic in the country and have proven to be crucial in the acquisition of protection, but also the technology that local laboratories need.

5:07 pm – Numbers in Italy. The Italian Civil Protection published on Tuesday afternoon the epidemiological bulletin of the last 24 hours in the country. Another 602 people died, a number slightly higher than that recorded this Monday, bringing the total number to 21,067.

Although registering a slight increase, the number of fatalities has maintained a downward trend since the end of March.

Regarding new cases, detected less than three thousand new infections, more precisely 2,972. It was the first time since 13. March Fewer than 3,000 new cases were diagnosed daily.

16h59 – he Republic President Starting this Wednesday, he will listen to the leaders of the large publicly listed companies, starting with Jerónimo Martins and Sonae, and will also meet with the Portuguese Confederation of Micro, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises.

16h58 The Azores Regional Command of PSP stopped three men on the island of São Miguel for the crime of disobedience, for having violated the isolation in âscope general duty of home collection.

16:52 – The elderly Home Our Lady of Sorrows They are returning in stages to the building, located in the center of Vila Real, which was evacuated, decontaminated and helped to draw attention to the impact of greedy-19 in these institutions.

4:40 pm The Governor of the State of New YorkAndrew Cuomo, indicated in a press conference that the deaths in that region amounted to 10,834, after registering another 778 deaths in the last 24 hours

“I think we are at the top”Cuomo said, referring, however, to a slight decrease in the number of hospitalizations. “These are irrelevant statistics, but it is better than increasing,” he added.

4:35 pm – Fines in Italy. The Italian authorities have passed more than 42 thousand fines between 10 and 13 April for breach of the duty of confinement, according to the latest data revealed by the Ministry of the Interior.

4:29 pm – Numbers in Kenya. Health officials warn that the outbreak is emerging from urban centers and is beginning to spread to more rural areas. The country’s balance of 9 deaths and 216 cases of infection, with 41 recovered.

4:26 pmMariano Rajoy, a former leader of the Spanish government, was captured by the Spanish television station La Sexta a pierce this insulation for physical exercise, something prohibited by the decree of the state of emergency.

4:14 pm – Customer service SNS answered almost 10,000 calls on Sunday.

See HERE all the news that happened due Covid-19 in Portugal and in the world during the morning and afternoon of this Tuesday.

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