Aliança accuses Marcelo and the Government of colluding with the CGTP concentrations – Observer


The Alliance party accused the Government and the President of the Republic on Saturday of conspiring with the concentrations carried out by CGTP-IN on Friday, Labor Day, and blames them if there is an “abnormal increase” in the number of people infected with covid -19.

This position in the celebrations of May 1 by the General Confederation of Portuguese Workers – Intersindical Nacional (CGTP-IN) appears in a statement issued by the Aliança party, signed by the executive director of this political force, Bruno Ferreira Costa.

“Aliança strongly condemns the way in which the May 1 protests organized by CGTP-IN take place throughout the country. At a time when the state of emergency is in force and travel between municipalities is prohibited, it is incomprehensible that the aforementioned protests have been authorized, despite the efforts of all the Portuguese to comply with the confinement regulations in force to date ” above in this note.

For the Aliança party, “to CGTP-IN, as well as to the Government, the Assembly of the Republic and the President of the Republic [Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa], who authorized and were conspiring with these manifestations, will be responsible for any abnormal increase in the number of infected cases in the coming days. “
