Albuquerque says Madeira faces three big challenges


Lúcia M. Silva

The pandemic is not giving up and is reaching new peaks of infection. This morning, Miguel Albuquerque was concerned about this situation and revealed that Madeira has three major challenges ahead.

In the presentation of the new health plan for this autumn-winter, the president of the Regional Government said that the first “great challenge” is the sense of responsibility of the population, the second, people realize that the situation of the increase of cases of flu and other respiratory diseases in winter, will force SESARAM services to strengthen it to face this “double challenge”. Finally, the third challenge is for the population to “take into account that the number one priority of the Regional Government of Madeira is to safeguard the health and lives of citizens”.

Leaving the guarantee that he will continue to “do what is necessary” in the allocation of resources, in the support of professionals, in the reformulation of infrastructures and in the material necessary for the detection of the disease, Miguel Albuquerque recognized that all the challenges that we have ahead will be “intense challenges”, so they will count on “the effort and perseverance” of health professionals.
