Agreement between PSD and Chega “gives the left a great advantage”


OROne of the hot topics of the week was the coalition PSD, OR CDS, is he PPM, with agreements with the Liberal Initiative and Chega, in the Azores. The controversial negotiation, whose proposal still remains secret, between the party led by Rui Rio and André Ventura’s party, has already led to several clarifications, many criticisms and even notices of the President of the Republic.

This Friday, in his weekly comment space on SIC Notícias, Francisco Crockery he analyzed the issue and stressed that this agreement may have several “problematic” implications.

Before talking about the “price to pay” for an agreement between the PSD and Chega, blocker He began by criticizing that the document signed between the two parties remains secret. “The whole agreement is secret, which is an amazing thing, how can such a thing happen,” he shot, explaining below one of the few points revealed by André Ventura.

“We know that or PSD Azores, with the commitment of PSD National, accepted the commitment that it is necessary to reducesubsidydependence‘. The phrase seems very good to me, but it is not the promise of getting a job, it is not the promise of solving the problem of the excluded who live in great difficulties. On very small islands, the possibility of creating jobs is small. In 2019, we were not in this recession or this crisis, unemployment was much higher in the Azores than in the country as a whole, and extreme poverty was also almost double. A part of these people, about 20 thousand, receive social insertion income ”, he began by explaining Crockery, recalling that Chega has already announced that it wants to reduce this number by half.

“10,000 people are being taken out of poverty support, but there is no plan to create 10,000 jobs, especially since the Azores have two large islands and the rest are very small. There is a structural problem in a highly dependent economy. and very vulnerable like many of the islands of the Azores “, clarified the State Councilor, pointing out that this measure is an “insult” for the Azoreans.

This promise is pure demagoguery. In fact, it is simply an insult to the poor and the intelligence of all Azoreans, saying that it is very easy to solve a problem, saying that the problem belongs to the poor. No, the problem is with social life, the difficulties, the concrete history of the Azores and here there was a patch, a support that was this social policy. The context of this proposal shows great social cruelty, great disinterest in solutions, great unprepared on the rigor that is necessary when making proposals “, shot Crockery.

As for the possibility of this agreement to the result of the Right, the founder of the Left Bloc is even more suspicious and reticent.

“Well, the President of the Republic suggested ‘it may have a price.’ It has a price. First, the PSD and, in particular, Rui Rio changes his mind very quickly. Rui Rio said he would never make a deal with Chega […]. Thus, This change of opinion is problematic because of the image that Rui Rio built and because of what he says. Adjusting politics not for principles and ideas, but for convenience and the smell of power is problematic“argued Francisco Crockery, adding that there is another consequence.

“This scenario in the Azores and the way in which Rui Rio embodied it throughout the country, without distancing himself as he could have done, shows that a Central Bloc with this political and political structure is no longer possible in Portugal. this is a big problem for him PSD, because it is tied to the obligation of an agreement with Chega, it greatly annoys a central electorate, it gives some advantage to the PS who will say: ‘Whoever votes in Rui Rio is supporting André Ventura, look at the political savagery that comes in type of policies’. And, in fact, it gives you a huge advantage on the left, if you are very smart in this context.“He concluded.

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