After the controversy, Vítor Caldeira, former president of the Court of Accounts, discreetly says goodbye on Linkedin – Observer


Vítor Caldeira, who recently stepped down as president of the Court of Accounts, reacted for the first time to his non-renewal in office, via Linkedin. Despite the high praise of Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa for his tenure, Vítor Caldeira opted for a much more discreet farewell, after all the controversy that opened the case.

“My term as president of the Portuguese Court of Accounts has ended. It was a privilege to serve my country and the SAI community [Supreme Audit Institutions, tribunais de contas] European and international in this position. Thank you all very much for the good collaboration ”, wrote Vítor Caldeira.

At the inauguration of the new president of the Court of Accounts, José Tavares, the President of the Republic spared no praise for the former president, referring to the feeling of “national gratitude” for “having exceeded all the great expectations of four years ago.”

Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa: the election of the new president of the Court of Accounts “was intentional”

When justifying the non-renewal of Vítor Caldeira, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa spoke of the criterion of the single mandate. Regarding the election of José Tavares, he said that he weighed “being someone as much or more accepted by the opposition than by the Government,” but that the responsibility for the election is his “and no one else’s.”

Rui Rio helped choose the successor to the Court of Auditors
