After sharing a photo, Cristina Ferreira receives “aggressive comments” and responds to the letter!


The director of Entertainment and Fiction of TVI, Cristina Ferreira, decided to leave a clarification to all Instagram followers.

In prophylactic isolation since Friday, Cristina Ferreira shared, on Instagram, this Sunday 25, a photo, in which he appears taking a walk through nature.

Immediately, some followers hypothesized that the Director of Entertainment and Fiction of TVI would not be isolated, as is mandatory, after having been in contact with a person who tested positive for Covid-19.

Therefore, Cristina Ferreira decided to clarify. “So they don’t waste time on aggressive comments. I’ve been home, isolated, alone, since Friday. Accompanied by the National Health Service [SNS] like any other case that has had high-risk contact. So I will stay 14 days, as stipulated, ”he began by saying.

“Isolation means not going out and not having contact with anyone. That would compromise the health of others. I will only do the test during this week, as advised. Even if it is negative, I will have to comply with the remaining days of isolation. must do. For ours and others. “Later, Cristina Ferreira clarified that the photograph that caused this controversy is dated October 6.

It is recalled that Cristina Ferreira is in isolation, after having been in contact with Barbara Bandeira -that tested positive for Covid-19 – in the last broadcast of the program “Cristina’s Day“, which was shown last Wednesday the 21st.

Now, look at Cristina Ferreira’s message, in the gallery of images that we have prepared for you.
