“Adults cannot stop the world of children, but we can provide them with the greatest possible security”


According to data shared by health authorities, there are 27,679 confirmed cases of covid-19, 98 more than yesterday. Of the total number of infected people, 805 are hospitalized, of which 112 are in Intensive Care Units. 83.7% of those infected undergo home treatment. On the other hand, there are 2,549 cases of recovery,

1,144 people have already died from covid-19, nine more than those registered on Sunday. The overall case fatality rate is 4.1% and the case fatality rate for people over 70 is 15.2%.

Since March 1, around 547,000 tests for covid-19 have been conducted in the country. Between May 1 and 10, more tests were performed than in the entire March. In May, the daily average is 13,100 tests for the new coronavirus, showing an increase in tests in Portugal. “The more we test, the more we know the epidemiological reality of the country,” says António Sales.

Regarding the arrival of new equipment, the Secretary of State for Health says that 2 million surgical masks are expected to arrive in Portugal, 1.7 million FFP2 and FFP3 respirators. The occupancy rate in Intensive Care Units is “stable”, being 53% in adult units, says António Sales.

During the conference, Graça Freitas again launched an appeal to caregivers, educators, and parents to vaccinate children, to avoid other infectious diseases.

On the impact of the mistrust measures, António Sales says that “it is still too soon for the balance sheets. Still questioned if the SNS is prepared for a significant increase in cases, the Secretary of State says that he looks” towards the future with confidence In the capacity of the SNS it can respond to covid and other pathologies. Everything points to the SNS being able to respond satisfactorily, as has happened. ”

The issue of the return of soccer players to training was also addressed. António Sales says that a very close job is being done between the Portuguese Football Federation and DGS. “Yesterday we finalized a technical opinion that indicates our greatest concerns. This resumption of activity has to be very evidence-based, isolation, prevention and treatment, which depends on health, and the FPF is responsible for operating. The levels of responsibility are very well defined, “he says.

Regarding the players responsible for their health, Graça Freitas says that an individual is never solely responsible for the entire process. “In any process where the risk is not zero, there must be responsibility of the interested parties. There must be a code accepted by the parties involved, since when we are going to undergo surgery we must sign a statement. We are informed of the risks of the procedure, but it does not mean that we are responsible for the others involved in the procedure, “says the director general of Health.

When asked if there are sequelae in patients infected with covid-19 but managed to overcome the disease, Graça Freitas says that in the short term some cases can already be seen in other countries, but points out that in Portugal this situation will have to be analyzed and will have to There are several studies to be done. “These are situations that occur after the acute phase,” says the director general of Health. Graça Freitas says that several protocols will be carried out to guarantee the follow-up of patients infected with covid-19. “Many will be accompanied by their family doctors,” he says. On whether the death of 33 children under the age of 7 days, between January and May, may be one of the consequences of the appearance of covid-19, Graça Freitas says that only one case was reported in Portugal of a child, who presented compatible Symptoms with Kawasaki syndrome. The boy “is fine despite his inspiring caring status,” he says.

The population’s concern about the reopening of the kindergartens was another topic addressed. Graça Freitas says that “it is impossible to impose rules of behavior” on children and that these places are places to “play”. But he points out that educators need to take some steps: “Deploy classes and prevent many from coming together in the same room. They can take off their shoes outside the room and sleep and eat outside. We will minimize contact between children.”

“Adults cannot stop the world of children, but give them the greatest possible security,” he says. “Children cannot wear a mask, but for that, adults should always wear it,” says the director general of Health.

On R0, the average number of infections caused by each infected person, Graça Freitas says that this “is calculated very frequently and refers to the previous five days.” Right now, the Lisbon and Tagus Valley region has a higher RT, “but with a decreasing trend,” he says.
