Accused of groping a woman in Braga filed a defamation complaint


The wife of the man who was accused of groping a woman in the street of Braga on Wednesday filed a complaint with the Judicial Police for defamation.

Contacted by O MINHO, the target’s wife says that her husband “did nothing” and that the complaints that came out yesterday were nothing more than an extortion attempt.

On Wednesday, a citizen of Brazilian nationality transmitted a video through her personal Instagram account, accusing a man of having groped her in the Parque do Continente, in Maximinos.

The woman filmed the moment when she went after the alleged stalker asking him the reasons for the alleged touching, but where he never responded, continuing to walk towards the entrance of the supermarket.

In a telephone conversation with O MINHO, this Wednesday, the target’s wife assures that this is not the first case that has been made public of an alleged harassment in the city of Braga in recent days, concluding that it is a concerted plan among women to judge. extort money from men who pass by on the street.

“Right now, two women are trying to extort money from my husband and there was another identical situation with another man on Avenida da Liberdade,” says the woman, whose identity we decided not to disclose.

When asked if the husband would be capable of harassing women on public roads, the woman finds this situation inconceivable and stated that he “would never do that”.

“I think he would never do that, I have his whole family saying that he is not like that, I also know him and I know that he does not do any of that and I have several people who can testify, like his sister and an aunt,” he says.

To demystify the accusation, the target’s wife says it is possible to see that there were more people around when the alleged tampering occurred and that “no one did anything.”

“If he had really groped, the gentlemen accompanying him had certainly acted, but did nothing,” he replies.

The woman explains that she was with her husband at the Maximinos supermarket when he returned home to “get a document” and when he returned he said that a woman was excited with him on the street.

“If I had really touched it, she would have been more nervous, but we can see that the images are very direct, it is not normal that someone who has just been a victim of harassment is not trembling,” he says, reinforcing that “if he had felt it, she had shot him in the face and not in the back ”.

This situation led the couple to also go to the Judicial Police, this Thursday, to file a defamation complaint against the woman who claims to have been touched.

“We were on the couch and suddenly my sister-in-law in Germany called to say that Luís [nome fictício] he was being accused on social media of touching a woman, ”he says.

The wife of the alleged assailant says that she does not know the alleged victim “out of nowhere.” He adds that he will have published photos on social networks where the couple’s children appear and that in the future he will also file a complaint for this situation.

It is recalled that, on Wednesday, a citizen filed a complaint with the Judicial Police (PJ) for sexual harassment after being allegedly groped in the parking lot of the Continente de Maximinos, which is located a few meters from the headquarters of the PJ de Braga. The presentation of the complaint was confirmed to O MINHO by a police source.
