Abrantes | Jorge Ferreira Dias is in preventive prison


The criminal investigating judge of the Court of Santarém applied preventive detention to the former construction businessman Jorge Ferreira Dias, detained by the Public Security Police (PSP), yesterday in Abrantes, after the Abrantino citizen physically attacked the president, vice president and worker of the Abrantes municipality, a source from the PSP of Tomar told mediotejo.net.

Subintendent Bruno Soares said that the coercive measure applied to the detainee was preventive detention, the most serious, with Jorge Ferreira Dias pending trial.

Jorge Ferreira Dias will be taken today to the PSP Leiria prison.

The suspect of aggression was present this morning before the criminal investigating judge in Santarém, where this coercive measure was later decreed, having been detained at the PSP overnight in Tomar.

Jorge Ferreira Dias attacks mayors in an executive meeting. Credits: mediotejo.net

The mayors of Abrantes were verbally threatened yesterday and physically attacked in a meeting of the Chamber by the citizen Jorge Ferreira Dias Abrantino. The former civil construction businessman, who has been accusing the Abrantes City Council of being responsible for the bankruptcy of his companies for years, broke in and disappeared in the auditorium of the Pirâmide Building, where the session was taking place.

Jorge Dias Ferreira has a long-standing dispute with the municipality and was eventually arrested by the PSP. This coercion measure is the culmination of a process that has been going on for about 20 years, with similar episodes in the middle that involve threats to the Abrantes City Council executive, namely the former mayor, Maria do Céu Antunes, now Minister of Agriculture . .

The former businessman even asked for compensation of more than six million euros, for damages, but last year the Leiria Court considered “totally unfounded the performance of Ferreira Dias, due to the absence of an illicit and guilty act.” , acquit the prosecution room.

Jorge Ferreira Dias threatened and attacked the mayors at an executive meeting in Abrantes. Credits: mediotejo.net

Pretrial detention takes place during the process, at a time when the accused has not been convicted and there is no certainty that he is. It is a coercive measure designed to guarantee the normal development of the process and whose application requires that it be a dangerous crime or punishable with a custodial sentence of more than 5 years, as well as the existence of “solid evidence” that the crime was committed. committed by the accused.

Last year, mediotejo.net published an extensive updated article on the reasons that oppose Jorge Ferreira Dias to the municipality of Abrantes, which can be read here.
