Abrantes con curfew introduces new measures to support families and businesses (with audio)


In the Middle Tagus region, the municipalities of Abrantes, Alcanena and Ourém joined Constância and Sardoal on the 16th of the 191 municipalities with a “high risk” of contagion and the curfew starting at 1:00 p.m. Saturday.


In Abrantes, this is the first of two curfew weekends, a measure that will have a direct impact on commerce and the restaurant sector, among others, with the municipality announcing on Monday that it will present a new package of activities. social and due to the current situation regarding the Covid-19 pandemic.


The socialist Manuel Jorge Valamatos, president of the Abrantes Chamber, said that in recent weeks the services of the local authority have “worked hard in the elaboration of a new set of measures, which can be implemented, and which can directly help families and companies ”. municipality, given the current pandemic, social and economic situation.

These measures will be announced at a press conference to be held next Monday at the Salão Nobre dos Paços do Concelho and will be broadcast live on the digital platforms of the Abrantes City Council.

“We are aware of the difficulties of the moment and we will continue to do everything possible to defend our community with all dedication, asking only that we remain united, in solidarity, with a resilient spirit and above all, with the utmost respect for the recommendations and recommendations of the authorities “, appealed the mayor. .

In addition to the mandatory curfews, municipalities with a high risk of transmission of COVID-19 have, since November 4, a set of other special measures, including the duty to stay at home, mandatory telework, the closure of commerce until 10pm and restaurants until 10.30pm, and the prohibition of events and celebrations with more than five people, unless they belong to the same household.

In the next two weekends, there will continue to be a total closure of commercial and restaurant establishments from 1:00 p.m., with authorization to open only from 8:00 a.m.

The driving ban on Saturday and Sunday between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m. had already been applied last weekend, but it covered only 114 municipalities with a high risk of transmission of the new coronavirus, including Constância and Sardoal, a now Abrantes, Alcanena and Ourém join.

On Friday, during the discussion in parliament of the presidential decree for the extension of the state of emergency in mainland Portugal until December 8, the Minister of Internal Administration, Eduardo Cabrita, admitted that the number of municipalities with high risk of contagion will increase. , more than two hundred.

Also on Friday, the Council of Ministers met to approve the measures under the extension of the state of emergency, which will be announced today.

In addition to the curfew from 1 pm to the weekend, the Government established that the opening of trade can only occur from 8 am, closing at 1 pm, except for pharmacies, clinics and offices, health establishments . sale of food items up to 200 square meters with door to the street and gasoline pumps, among other cases.

During the weekend, starting at 1:00 p.m., the restoration in these municipalities can only work for home delivery.

The ban on driving on public roads provides for a set of 13 exceptions for authorized trips, including the performance of professional functions such as health professionals and civil protection agents, obtaining medical care, trips to establishments that sell food products. and hygiene, assistance to vulnerable people, exercise of freedom of the press and short walks.

In addition to the curfew, municipalities with a high risk of transmission of covid-19 have a duty to stay at home, mandatory teleworking, the closing of shops until 10 p.m. and restaurants until 10:30 p.m., and the ban of events and celebrations with more than five people, unless they belong to the same household.

These special measures will be in effect until 11:59 p.m. on November 23.

