Abrantes: A 23-year-old boy dies in a building that falls in the historic center (UPDATED)


A 23-year-old man died Monday afternoon in Abrantes after a fall from a third floor.

The Abrantes Volunteer Firefighters received the alert, through CODU, at 5:14 pm, for an event in the Historic Center of the city, more specifically in Rua Bernardino Machado.

Upon arrival at the site, the VMER medical team declared death.

An ambulance from the Abrantes Fire Department, VMER Médio Tejo and PSP was on site.

To what Free antenna He came to know that the young man was a student at the Abrantes School of Technology (ESTA) and lived in a student space in Edifício Jovem, in Praça Bernardino Machado. According to a source, the young man this morning had attacked an operating assistant in the emergency department of the Abrantes unit of the Centro Hospitalar do Médio Tejo. This young man, born in Cape Verde, with Portuguese nationality, had a history of depression in the clinical bulletin.

Investigators from the Scientific Police of the Judiciary took the place and took over the investigations by collecting evidence on the spot. The plaza was closed to circulation throughout the period of police investigations.

It is not known if it was an accident or an act of suicide, but only the competent authorities will be able to determine with certainty everything that happened.

