Abbreviated circulation ban. Clinical trial canceled


A The Minister of Health informed the country yesterday that a higher number of hospital admissions is expected than that registered in the first wave of the COVID-19-19, detailing what is expected 4 of November the country reaches the 2,654 hospitalized in nursing and 444 in Intensive Care Units. “Day 4 brings a highly complex scenario”stressed

The epidemiological situation in Portugal “it is complex and serious”, summarized Marta Temido, calling on citizens to fulfill their role.

The President of the Republic has already promulgated the mandatory use of a mask on the street for 70 days, provided it is not possible to comply with the distancing rules, pending the publication of the law in the Diário da República.

In Portugal, SARSthe-two infetou so far 121,133 people, causing 2,343 deaths. All over the world, pandemic has already caused more than 1.1 million deaths and more than 43 million cases of infection.

See the evolution maps pandemic of the new coronavirus in Portugal and not World.

Follow HERE THE MINUTE the latest news about the COVID-19-19 in Portugal and in the world:

9h25 – Impact of the pandemic on tourism: More than 70% of hotels and tourist developments in the Algarve should suspend exercise during a time low due to the crisis caused by pandemic of COVID-19-19, provided today president of the main regional association of the sector.

9h20 – Paços de Ferreira, Lousada and Felgueiras: Or number of cases active of infection for the new coronavirus rise in Paços de Ferreira 41.5% in a week, in Lousada the increase is 36.3% and in Felgueiras 24.1%, according to Monday’s epidemiological bulletin. In these three municipalities, it is recalled that the Government applied more restrictive measures, namely the duty to stay at home and the closure of commercial establishments at 10 pm.

8h45 – Circulation between municipalities: The travel ban between municipalities was advanced 18 hours. According to the resolution of the Council of Ministers, published in Diário da República, it will not be possible to circulate from 00:00 hours on 30 October and until 6:00 am on day 3 November. The hour before was 11:59 pm on Tuesday the 3rd.

Who has tickets to attend sampleIt should be noted that you can move between municipalities on these dates, provided that the movement occurs between neighboring municipalities with the habitual residence or in the same Zone Metropolitan and equipped with respective ticket. Know this and others exceptions, in detail, here.

8h40 – Stayway COVID-19: The contact tracker app stay away COVID-19 It already had more than 2.4 million “downloads,” said Minister Marta Temido.

8h35 – Isolation: A DGS is reviewing the rule about the isolation period prophylactic, and quarantine is possible for people close to infected like new coronavirus it is no longer 14 days. “Science at this point is beginning to give indications of what the maximum days are, how far people are likely to incubate the virus, it may be infected and can transmit “, Graça Freitas said at yesterday’s conference.

8h25 – Capacity of SNS: THE SNS has a total of 19,778 beds, 17,741 of them aimed at patients COVID-19-19 in general hospitalssaid the Minister of Health at yesterday’s conference. However, in a peak situation, Marta Temido guaranteed, the number of beds in the SNS for patients COVID-19-19 can reach 18,077 and, “in an extreme situation”, there may even be a transfer of patients to the private sector.

“We must preserve the responsiveness of our hospitals. We are prepared to refer users who have no response in the SNS for the sector private and social “said the minister, noting that “none SNS it is elastic. ”

8:15 am – Bed occupancy rate: The Santo António Hospital registered on Monday an occupancy rate for beds dedicated to COVID-19-19 out of 93.3% in nursing and 72.7% in intensive care. Until yesterday, according to a source from this hospital, there were 100 hospitalized patients with infection for the new coronavirus, 16 of which in intensive care.

8h00 – The main shoots active In Portugal:

  • Vila Viçosa: The outbreak associated with valencia in Santa Casa da Misericórdia caused three deaths, according to the latest to update. The total infected There are already about 100 people related to this outbreak, including 45 users me 10 employees. The transfer of the elderly infected It is scheduled for tomorrow Wednesday.
  • Loaded: Outbreak in the cersympathetic Geberit count 56 infected of a universe of 400 workers. Infected They are asymptomatic and the health authority investigates the origin of the outbreak. The factory continues to operate.
  • Trofa: Outbreak at home registers 21 users infected and 18 professionals with a positive test for the new coronavirus. On Saturday, a 95-year-old man, who was infected, died.
  • Vila Flor: An outbreak of infection for the new coronavirus in Vila Flor, in the district of Bragança, it has almost fifty cases, the majority in the Continuity Unit and in the Salatimes Municipal.
  • Santarém Hospital: According to the latest balance, there are 45 professionals infected and 64 in isolation. Some of the professionals are expected to start returning to work after completing the quarantine period. The hospital has already resumed care for urgent pregnant women, such as SARSthe-2 conducted on Sunday to 90 professionals, including seven anesthetists who had been in contact with a colleague infected, had a negative result.

7h40 – Infected Not INEM: There is nine professionals from INEM infected with COVID-19-19. Another 18 employees are isolated prophylactic.

7h35 – Developments in Germany: The Robert Koch Institute revealed on Monday that 11,409 new cases of COVID-19-19 and 42 people died in 24 hours in Germany.

7h30 – Situation in the Philippines: The President of the Philippines, Rodrigo Duterte, Announced today that the quarantine in Manila, with one of the longest and most rigorous confinements in the world, it will be extended one more month, until the 30 November

7h25 – Developments in China: A China Health Commission announced today that 16 cases of COVID-19-19, in the last 24 hours, all from abroad, in addition to 50 cases asymptomatic, of which more than half are local

7h20- Evolution in Mexico: THE Mexico recorded 247 deaths and 4,166 infected like new coronavirus in the past 24 hours, authorities said. The total number of Deceased increased to 89,171 and the number of infections to 895,326 since the beginning of pandemic.

7h15- Situation in Argentina: Less restrictions in the capital and lockdown in more severe areas. THE Argentina this week the measures to combat pandemic of COVID-19-19 at most affected country, while the reopening continues in the capital, where cases have been declining.

7h10 – United States: Antibody treatment clinical trial canceled due to ineffectiveness The US authorities would decide to cancel a clinical trial of an experimental antibody treatment that was being administered to hospitalized patients with COVID-19-19, justifying that the drug was not effective in the recovery of the patients.

7h05 – Evolution in United States: The United States recorded 461 deaths COVID-19-19 in the past 24 hours, based on the independent count from Johns Hopkins University. With this balance, the country reached 225,676 Deceased, with more than 8.6 million confirmed cases since the beginning of pandemic, after 64,536 infections were identified in the last 24 hours.

7h00 – Good day! Here we begin the MINUTE follow-up of the pandemic in the country and in the world. If you want to remember yesterday’s events, you can do-lo here.

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