A test that distinguishes Covid-19 from other respiratory infections arrives in Portugal – Observer


From October 15 Anyone in Portugal can perform a test that distinguishes Covid-19 from other infections respiratory illnesses, such as the flu. For now, as of this Friday, the test is available, but only for risk groups, being carried out through pediatric emergencies, hospitals and other authorized health professionals.

To perform the test – through a single sample through the nasopharyngeal swab – A prescription will be required and, for now, it can be done in the same places where Covid-19 tests are performed. Results will be available 24-36 hours after the test.

“The idea was to try to have a diagnostic tool that, at the same time, would allow us to differentiate whether or not it is Covid-19 and, if not, which virus is causing this clinical picture,” explains the company’s medical director António Maia Gonçalves will provide this means of diagnosis.

According to the Unilabs statement, the test allows the differential diagnosis between SARS-CoV2 and the rest of respiratory pathologies, through four panels, one for influenza A / B and respiratory syncytial virus – RSV, another for adenovirus, enterovirus, parainfluenza and metapneumovirus, another by bocavirus, Rhino and coronavirus and, finally, another panel also for bacterial respiratory agents such as mycoplasma, chlamydophila, legionella, haemophilus, streptococcus, and bordetella.

“Now, with the flu season, we are going to have sick people coughing, with sore throats, runny noses and fever, going to hospitals and health centers. Clinically, it is impossible to know if it is Covid-19, a common flu or influenza A, “added the medical director, in statements to the Portuguese agency Lusa.
