A suspected case of a rare disease in a child with Covid-19


Sandra Alves

More than 396,000 tests of Covid-19 have been carried out. There are many calls for the correct use of social masks. There is an infected child suspected of having a reported rare disease.

Since March 1, Portugal has made more than 396,000 Covid-19 diagnostic tests, 80% of which in April, revealed the Secretary of State for Health, António Lacerda Sales, at the daily press conference on the evolution of the pandemic in Portugal.

“April was a decisive month in the response to the pandemic,” he emphasized, adding that, this week, “almost 13700 tests on average per day “ and “47% were carried out in public laboratories.”

António Lacerda Sales reported that “the the national test stock exceeds one million, about 328 thousand have been distributed by the regional health administrations. “

“If April was an important month, May is decisive,” he emphasized, before the end of the state of emergency (at 11:59 p.m. on Saturday, May 2) and the progressive deflation.

The Director General of Health, Graça Freitas, took advantage of the press conference to update the information transmitted on Wednesday, that there was no case in Portugal about the possible relationship between Covid-19 and Kawasaki disease, a rare pathology that mainly affects children and is increasing in some countries.

After consulting all the pediatric services, “there is a situation that configures a similar clinical picture“and that” lacks a better characterization, “he revealed.

This rare disease causes inflammation of the blood vessels. The World Health Organization is investigating and admits that the new coronavirus may be “attacking tissues other than the lung.”

With the end of deflation and with More and more people are leaving home, the Secretary of State warned that “the masks do not protect if they are not used correctly” and reported that “they have already been issued 202 certificates for national production, 71 of which for the production of community masks, 46 reusable “, involving” about 60 companies “.

“Masks, being important, do not cancel other protection measures,” he stressed.

On the website of the General Directorate of Health (DGS) in Covid-19 “there is a variety of material that explains what our behavior should be at home, in transport, in closed public places, etc.”

Graça Freitas said in the same sense: “The lack of definition does not exempt us from continuing to follow the measures for the prevention and control of the infection.”

“We will have to be very attentive to the characteristics of the community brands, because some are for single use and others will be reused, but they are not reusable in the same way or the same number of times,” he clarified.

We will have to be very attentive to the labels and indications of the protector.“he advised.” Whoever buys a community / social mask should see on the label if it is for single use, if it is for reuse, how many times it can be reused and how it can be reused, “he concluded.
