A Portuguese hacker says an attack in a court in Brazil “would have a much greater impact” if it had a computer – Observer


The computer attacks against the Superior Electoral Court (TSE) of Brazil registered last Sunday, during the first round of the municipal elections, started from a hacker Portuguese under house arrest, reported this Friday the newspaper Estado de S. Paulo. The Brazilian newspaper published an extensive report on the case, indicating that it spoke with the alleged hacker, who identifies with the pseudonym Zambrius In Internet. The suspect said he acted alone, in Portugal, with only a cell phone because he did not have access to a computer.

“I don’t have a computer. If I did, I would think the attack would have a much greater impact,” wrote the hacker 19-year-old, who said he was dedicated to exploiting vulnerabilities in computer systems.

On election day, the Brazilian Federal Police had already identified Portugal as the origin of one of the attacks on the TSE’s computer system, which occurred before October 23 and which, according to the authorities, did not affect the municipal elections of the Sunday.

Brazilian court object of computer attack. The authors are Portuguese hackers investigated by the PJ

“It was a leak [de informações] without any relevance and without any importance for the electoral process (…) This attack apparently had its origin in Portugal and, always remembering, the polls [eletrónicas] they are not in network [conectadas à internet]therefore, they are not vulnerable to any type of attack during the electoral process ”, said this Sunday the president of the Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE), Luis Roberto Barroso.

Shortly after 10 a.m. on Sunday (Brasilia time, 1:00 p.m. Lisbon), the TSE’s computer systems were again attacked in another action, which may not have originated in Portugal.

In fact, there was an attempted attack today. [domingo, dia das autárquicas], with a series of massive accesses to try to bring down the system. This attack was neutralized and had no impact, ”said Barroso.

For the newspaper Estadão, the alleged hacker said that he was also the author of the attempt to take down the system on Sunday and justified that he only attacked the TSE, because the court said that it had strengthened the security of its computer systems.
