A high-speed fireball was observed in the sky of southern Portugal


A fireball passed this Monday morning through the sky of southern Portugal, where the light, caused by a meteorite, ended up going out, according to information from the Spanish agency Efe.

The fireball, which traveled through the southwest of the Iberian Peninsula, was observed by a Spanish scientific project at a speed of 227 thousand kilometers per hour.

The event was detected by sensors from the SMART project, from the Andalusian Institute of Astrophysics (IAA-CSIC), from the astronomical observatories of Calar Alto (Almería), Seville and La Hita (Toledo).

According to the analysis of the principal investigator of the SMART project, José María Madiedo, from the IAA-CSIC, the fireball was registered at 3.49 hours on Monday.
