A great step for a company and a first step for the rest of Humanity? Funcionários do Twitter podem trabalhar em casa para semper


Or telework chegou to or Twitter to sign. In accordance with what was announced by the social network this Friday, some two officials of the company will continue to work at home in the same month or uprising under any restrictions. Vão fazê-lo para semper, frisou a North American technology giant, who is the first to take drastic measures in this domain.

Upon decision, it was communicated to the employees of the CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, by e-mail sent this Friday, Friday or BuzzFeed News site. There are hardly any functions that require physical presence – such as server maintenance – they do not allow this option, he explained.

A company encouraged its employees to sign in teleworking logo not the beginning of March when or viruses began to spread in the US, a measure followed by other technology companies, such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon.

Now, “we will give you an office in a position that allows you to work at home and want to do it indefinitely, we are going to allow that to be possible,” said a voice-over from Twitter to AFP. Assim não for, “we are writing to you warmly from Volta, with additional precautions when we consider that you are not risen to regress”, acrescentou.

As “rare excections”, the facilities of the company will remain dated at the time of the business trip of business must occur before high altitude, having attended corporate events scheduled for 2020 have been canceled.
