“A bully will always be a bully. And in the end you will be remembered as a bandit ”- Observe …


Frederico Varandas, president of Sporting, took advantage of the Leonese team’s departure to the Azores, where they play this Saturday with Santa Clara from 5:00 p.m. local time, to respond to Pinto da Costa, leader of FC Porto, at the airport Humberto Delgado, in Lisbon. It should be noted that the statements came in the form of response to the Porto counterpart, who last Tuesday openly criticized the words that followed the classic.

Pinto da Costa talks about Vieira’s “memory lapses” and says that Varandas will do a great job “when he dedicates himself to medicine”

“Mr. Pinto da Costa did not answer because he thought it was not a penalty or because he did not think he would benefit, the president of FC Porto replied because we touch the weak point, in your wound, which are the values. Values ​​that Sporting has and that it does not have ”, began by referring Leon number 1 to the press present.

“Mr. Pinto da Costa is used to having people on the other side with glass roofs and little courage, which is not the case in this Sporting. Regarding what he said, about the Alcochete attack, it is unfortunate to see the one who sticks to whoever made that attack, it shows a lot of who he is as a man and his nature. Going back a bit, this week has been rich. Asked about the Golden Whistle, he threw sand in people’s eyes and said that it is another process in which many Portuguese are accused but nothing happened because there were no convictions. Two days ago I went to Google and put in ‘Listens + Golden Whistle’ and heard what I heard. What I hear is from Mr. Pinto da Costa, by mouth, what he said. I ask and challenge everyone to listen, not to non-condemnation. Whether they are valid or not, it is justice. In a first world country, I could never be a leader, ”he continued.

“Speaking to all the partners and supporters of Sporting, who I know that for decades have deserved to hear this out loud, and to all the Portuguese who get up very early to work and seek revenge in life not at the cost of corruption , compadrio, schemes, for all of them: you can have a great sense of humor, you can be culturally above average, you can have a resume full of victories, but a bully will always be a bully and in the end, a bandit will always be remembered as a bandit. The day he retires he will do a great service to Portuguese football and help Portugal to have an image of a first world country “, concluded Frederico Varandas, before assuming that Vietto is still a lion player but that he received” a proposal from the Arabs ”.

Varandas goes to the press room for the first time to criticize arbitrations and installed powers: “If we have to scream, we scream loudly”

It should be remembered that, after the classic, Varandas went to the press room to criticize the performance of referee Luís Godinho and VAR Tiago Martins, still leaving words for the powers installed in Portuguese football. “These are the things that happen in Portuguese football, but especially in Sporting. The same VAR does not see red directly to Zaidu, what is the doubt? That’s why I think Portuguese football should be sad. Unfortunately, in Portugal, succeeding on merit is very difficult. In football even more. It does not matter if the person was molested, if they have legal proceedings, it does matter if they have power, won and then everyone pays tribute “, He said.

“We have to look at people according to the moment they are living and also understand their past at the club. Look, the Alcochete invasion, which is a dark day in Portuguese football, but it only had one beneficiary: the current president of Sporting. He was the team doctor, he was in the final of the Portuguese Cup lost to Desp. Birds and later appeared as a candidate, carrying out an attack on Juve Leo. In any cheerleader in the world there are bad people and good people, as there were people who went to Alcochete. I think it’s amazing to turn cheerleaders into an enemy when often they are the ones who push the teams to victory. Therefore, he has to show that he is active, that he is an advocate for the partners, but no one is going to do that anymore. The day that Frederico Varandas dedicates himself to medicine, he gives Sporting a great service ”, Pinto da Costa responded on Tuesday.
