A BOLA – Bruno Costa Carvalho’s list withdraws from the elections (Benfica)


Bruno Costa Carvalho’s list announced on Tuesday that he was withdrawing his candidacy for the Benfica elections, scheduled for this Wednesday. “The only reason that leads us to take this attitude lies in the desire that we have always shown not to share an opposition that should add the benefactors to a new cycle of change,” it is justified in a statement.

It should be remembered that the candidacy, which had Luís Miguel David as a candidate for the presidency of the Board, had been accepted by the services of Benfica, having been assigned to List C. In this way, Luís Filipe Vieira (list A) will be present for voting. , João Noronha Lopes (list B) and Rui Gomes da Silva (list D).

Here is the statement:

«To the members and fans of Sport Lisboa e Benfica,

After deep reflection, the candidate members of List C in the elections of Sport Lisboa e Benfica, representative of the TODOS P’LO BENFICA Movement, made the decision not to proceed with this candidacy and this decision has already been communicated to the President. of the General Assembly.

Giving up is not part of our Club’s DNA, nor is it part of ours. However, the circumstances imposed on our List and this electoral act and, mainly, the great interests of Sport Lisboa e Benfica, force us to interrupt this project, despite the conviction that we maintain that it is the one that best safeguards the future of Benfica .

The only reason that leads us to take this attitude resides in the desire that we always manifest not to share an opposition that the benfiquistas must join for a new cycle of change.

We publicly defend the need for a single list of alternatives to the current Directorate, but this was not possible due to the manifest lack of will and humility of other candidates who, unfortunately, never sought a consensus.

Therefore, we will let each Benfica player, in good conscience, vote for the most appropriate option for Benfica’s future.

A single certainty that we want to convey to all Benfica fans: the TODOS P’LO BENFICA Movement will continue, as of October 29, with the same commitment and fighting spirit in the uncompromising defense of a truly strong and democratic Benfica.

To all those who believed until the end and contributed with their Benfiquismo to this project of change, our deepest gratitude and the certainty that we stay with you and with Sport Lisboa e Benfica.

Everything for Benfica »
