A ″ chaotic mess ″. Obama Criticizes Trump’s Pandemic Management


Former United States President Barack Obama launched a strong attack on the way Donald Trump has run the country in times of pandemic, calling it “an absolutely chaotic mess”. Obama spoke at a conference Friday night with former members of his government. The United States leads the number of covid-19 infections worldwide, with almost 1.3 million infected and more than 77,000 deaths.

The current president has been severely criticized for giving up the leadership role in guiding the country during one of the worst crises of the century, neglecting requests to obtain critical medical equipment both on the open market and abroad. Aiming for reelection, Trump also has a preference to be guided by his own political interests rather than the common good, aggressively pressuring the country to reopen its devastated economy without a clear plan on how to do it safely.

“It would have been bad even with the best governments” and “it was an absolute and chaotic mess when this mentality [de Donald Trump] is operationalized in our government “


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“Being selfish, tribal, divided, and seeing others as enemies” has become “a stronger drive in American life”, Obama told his former employees. “It is part of the reason why the response to this global crisis was so anemic and irregular,” he continued.

According to the former president of the USA. USA, Runs a pandemic country “it would have been bad even with the best governments” and “it was an absolute and chaotic disaster when this mentality [de Donald Trump] is operationalized in our government “, finished.

In the audio, obtained by Yahoo News, Obama asks former employees to join Joe Biden, White House candidate, preparing to face Trump in the November presidential election. Obama has already announced that he will participate in Biden’s candidacy.
