Monumental Serenade of Queima das Fitas de Coimbra returns online at 00:00 on May 8


The Organizing Committee of Queima das Fitas de Coimbra, will bring the Monumental Serenade at 00:00 on May 7, 2020, this year celebrated remotely, broadcast live, so as not to deprive the Students of Coimbra of such a solemn event and remarkable for their lives.

The fado group “Capas ao Luar” of the Fado Section of the Coimbra Academic Association will be played and will take place in Via Latina, in the Paço das Escolas of the University of Coimbra, a change of location necessary in view of the situation current pandemic. . It will be broadcast live on the social networks of Queima das Fitas, Antena 1, TvAAC and RUC. In the end, we want to make the largest digital F-R-A of all time, with students in their homes, symbolizing the union of our Academy in this period of confinement.

This initiative has the support of the Rectory of the University of Coimbra.

At a time when the organization of public events with a physical presence is prohibited, this initiative arises from the need to mark this day, one of the most anticipated and important for the Students of Coimbra, where young people traditionally wear the cape and cassock for the first time. and the finalists listen for the last time to the 12 chimes and allow themselves to be devastated by Coimbra’s longing. This is an unforgettable event not only for the Students of Coimbra but for all those who have the opportunity to witness it, a moment of shock marked by thousands of people gathered around the group of fados waiting for the first guitar chords.

For Leandro Marques, Secretary General of Queima das Fitas, “in a year in which our life, as we know it, stopped, as well as the academic experiences, we could not fail to mark this solemn moment of our trip. In this sense, we invite the entire student community to use the Cape and Batina in their homes, and throughout the country, to attend the Monumental Serenade, an important moment that marks the beginning of our Festival and celebrate our Tradition that, although suspended We will never let die. It was for this purpose that the QF Organizing Committee, the Academic Association, the Veterans Council and the Rectory have aligned themselves so vehemently in this initiative, that they will count on the performance of our Fado Section to provide this moment as ours as the city. This time we will live the Serenade separately, isolated, in our homes, however, we will be together to celebrate the spirit of the academic experiences of Coimbra that resides in the heart of each of the students who pass through here. “

The Monumental Serenade is part of the “Das Palmas à Ação” initiative of the Coimbra Academic Association, whose objective is to raise funds for the purchase of hospital supplies for the Hospital Center of the University of Coimbra (CHUC), with Queima das Las ribbons They will not only publicize the initiative, but will also attract all viewers to participate and leave their solidarity contribution (link:
