The flu vaccination campaign will resume on Monday (4) at Avenida Brasil – Quiosco O Paraná


The second stage of the Flu Vaccination Campaign will resume next Monday (4), at the Kiosk vaccination point on Avenida Brasil, in Calçadão.

The demand for immunization was so great that of the total of more than 15 thousand vaccines received from the Ministry of Health, only around 2,000 doses remain in Cascavel. Therefore, the kiosk will be the vaccination point, Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. at 5 p.m., until the stock is zeroed. This Friday (1), a Labor Day holiday, there will be no vaccine in the Municipality.

In total, the Municipality had 38 vaccination points this week, including nine in the field. The Health Department is now waiting for a new shipment of vaccines from the Ministry of Health to finish vaccination in the second stage target audience.

The municipal government’s guide is that the rattlesnake respects sanitary measures due to the fight against the new coronavirus (Covid-19), which includes distance in the lines and also the mandatory use of masks.

Who can get vaccinated?

In this phase of the campaign, the target audience is made up of chronic patients, people with special clinical conditions, the prison system, professionals from the security and rescue forces, port workers, truckers, drivers and collectors of public transport and young people aged 12 to 21 years. socio-educational measures. Children older than six months who have a chronic illness were also added to this group.

People who should have been vaccinated in the first phase of the campaign, but who for some reason were not vaccinated, can also be vaccinated. That is, people over 60 and health professionals.


One of the doubts of the population is related to the way in which chronic patients or people with special needs will be able to demonstrate that they are part of the priority group for vaccination.

According to the PMI (Municipal Immunization Program), these citizens must only present a prescription, even with an outdated date (up to 6 months) or a medication, provided they have some identification that corresponds to the patient. Cards for hypertensive, diabetic and other comorbidities will also be accepted.

With respect to truck drivers, including self-employed drivers and also public transport pickers, the following documents will be accepted: job card, paycheck, union membership card, CNH in categories C, D or E, badge functional.
