Peruvian maca: many health benefits for men and women


The reputation of the Peruvian stretcher in Brazilian lands is not of today. In fact, it has been around for some time and has won over many fans who have included it in their diet and supplement routines, especially due to its properties, benefits and functions. Maca, however, is much older than all this: it has been cultivated and used for medicinal purposes in Peru for countless centuries, even before the Incas, one of the greatest pre-Columbian civilizations, formed their empire.

Photo: Playback

In this way, this tuber is part of the Peruvian popular culture, even wrapped in legends and stories about its discovery and use. Among many, one of the most famous stories that an Inca emperor, realizing the power of the stretcher to provide energy, included it in the diet of his soldiers.

As expected, the performance of the military grew and victories and conquests were obtained throughout the region. However, the emperor would soon discover another property of this root: the sexual desire of his soldiers was uncontrollable. For this and other stories, the Peruvian stretcher has been nicknamed “Viagra of the Incas”.

With so much history and tradition among the Andean peoples, the stretcher has now reached all regions of the world with the status of a solution for a multitude of problems. Its benefits are really many, but on the other hand, the root suffers from disinformation, especially on the Internet, which tests its functionalities.

What is the Peruvian maca?

This is the name given to Lepidium meyenii, a radish-like tuber, native to the Andean regions of Peru. By Andean regions, we mean the different locations of the Andes and its slopes. Due to its high altitude and low temperatures, they offer the ideal conditions for the growth of Peruvian maca. The root is the source of many important nutrients for the human body, such as amino acids, carbohydrates, fibers, calcium, iron, magnesium, omegas 3 and 9, phosphorous, potassium, zinc, selenium and vitamins B1, B2, C and E.

What are the benefits of Peruvian maca?

Peruvian maca has many benefits. While some have already been scientifically proven through study and research, others remain strong in popular culture. Below are the main benefits of daily consumption of the Lauton stretcher.

Increases male fertility.

A study by a Peruvian university testified that the root increases the amount of semen and improves the mobility of sperm.

Reduces erectile dysfunction

A study published in the Journal of Andrology demonstrated this benefit. Tests have shown that the men who ate the food had improved sexual performance.

Increase libido

A possible explanation for this effect is hormonal regulation: Peruvian maca would act on the hypothalamus and the adrenal glands, generating a stimulating effect that increases sexual desire.

Improve physical performance.

The Peruvian stretcher helps by providing more energy in training. When consumed after physical exercise, it reduces muscle fatigue and physical pain, as it decreases the amount of lactic acid and malonic acid in the body.
