Avipronto with infected workers. The company provisionally closes


“TO The company closed today and all necessary steps are being taken to evaluate all workers. As far as I know, 40 tests have been carried out so far and there have been 38 positive cases, “he said. mayor.

Luis de Sousa explained that the tests on the approximately 200 workers of the company will be carried out until Monday, and their results can be known “on Wednesday or Thursday.”

“At least until Friday, the company will be closed and, depending on the test results, a new evaluation will be carried out,” he said.

On Friday, also speaking with Lusa, Luis de Sousa emphasized that the company “complies with the rules of safety and hygiene,” but warned about the conditions in which the CP trains operate, the main means of transport used by workers to move. to the enterprise.

The mayor He maintains that the PC should increase the number of carriages, thus preventing passengers from traveling “like sardines in cans”.

Lusa contacted the company Avipronto, but so far there has been no response.

In turn, in a written response sent to Lusa, a CP source noted that the company “has been in progress since the month of MarchA wide disinfection and disinfection of trains, which has already covered, in the last month, more than 14,100 interventions in its fleet “.

Portugal today registers 1,023 deaths associated with greedy-19, 16 more than Friday and 25,190 infected (more 203), indicates the epidemiological bulletin published today by Address General health.

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