Portugal entered at 00h00 from hoje em situação de calamidade


Com a situation of calamidade, I will vigorar um “civic dever of recolhimento domiciliário” stops a população em geral, independently da idade ou de uma pessoa apresentar fators of cliff, instead of “dever geral de recolhimento” e do “dever especial de protection“for certain groups, as a state of emergency did not occur.

OR confinement obrigatório para pessoas doentes com covid-19 e em vigilância active keep in a situation of calamity.

Embor a situation of calamidade já esteja em vigor, mantém-se tied ao fim de leaf to proibição certain hair Governo of circulation between concelhos, exceto for health reasons or “urgent urgency”.

In this new period of calamidade situation, it will be compulsory or use of masks in public transport, we will provide services to public or public health, schools and commercial establishments will provide you with services to the public and to the public, maintaining the recommended hygiene and respiratory etiquette. , assim as physical distance.

In spite of Portugal being from the moment of the calamidade situation, as planned measures not plan of confinement Approved Governo hair will come into force on the second day.

Among the measures are the prohibition of events or councils with more than 10 people, in the presence of family members in funerals, continued teleworking, public transport with gel dispensers disinfectant and with a maximum price of 66%, service by private marking of public services and opening of the local business, such as cabeleireiros, manicures, books and automotive trade.

It will also be reopened on the second day of the week and the libraries will come into existence with the possibility of practicing individual sports a year or free.

The transition plan will have different measures for each phase, designated 04 of maio, 18 of maio, 31 of maio e 1 of junho.

Or Prime Minister António Costa has seen that the gradual process of lifting the restrictions presents cliffs and frisou that or Governo will not hesitate to give “a step back” to guarantee the safety of two Portuguese.

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Accompany or site the hair for the fourth consecutive year Escolha do Consumidor.
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