Visits to the workshop by appointment and test drives only if the client requires it. Official guide for reopening in the automotive sector – Observer


The health protocol that will be applied from Monday in the automotive sector is already known, and the key word is disinfect. This will be valid for workshops, stalls and rental agencies. Every time a new car enters the facilities of these companies, it must be thoroughly disinfected, determines the document signed by the Portuguese Automobile Association (ACAP), the National Association of Automobile Trade and Repair Companies (ANECRA) and the National Association of Automobile Branches ARAN).

When to go out too: mechanical interventions, for example, should always start and end with disinfection of all contact points inside and outside cars – keys, doors, handles, steering wheels, handbrake, gear lever and other handles.

Workshop visits are subject to appointment and, although not recommended, Road tests are not prohibited, but should be limited to what is “indispensable” – that is, they can happen but only as required by the client. And with strict rules: There can only be two people inside the car, one in the driver’s seat, one in the back seat, and the use of a mask is mandatory. At the end of the test drive, the car must be disinfected (or quarantined). Find out what else will change in the industry.

The organization of work should be promoted. telecommuting, whenever the functions allow it.

The travel national or international standards should be suspended or reduced to the essentials.

Priority should be given to training actions under e-learning and participation in events in digital format.

The meetings it should preferably be done electronically.

Common workstations

Close or common jobs should be avoided, or teams should be organized to work on spaced and rotating scales, the physical social distance of 2 meters between people, at least, must always be guaranteed.

They can also be implemented physical barriers, such as glass or acrylic panels.

If neither of the two situations is possible, the company must evaluate the use of Personal protection equipment (PPE) or the widespread use of a surgical mask.

All forms of contact with clients, suppliers and partners are privileged. distance– Phone, email, Skype, and web platforms available for supplier material requests, quotes, and online customer appointments.

Whenever possible, people outside the company should not enter inside of her.

When this is not feasible, information on access and circulation should be published, regarding sanitary regulations, such as the two-meter distance between people and the use of a mask or protective visor.

Customers must be informed of the mandatory use of a protective mask or visor and must be entry is prevented by those who do not wear a mask.

There must be no physical contact between individuals, external and internal, and maximum indicative occupation of 0.05 people per square meter of area.

Therefore, rules must be created and implemented for distance and outdated use of spaces, i.e. with shifted, rotating or alternate shifts and schedules, in addition to greater cleaning and sanitation procedures. Whenever the use of a space cannot be of an individual nature, the minimum distance of 2 meters must be respected, outside and inside, including in work areas and for employees, such as the cafeteria and locker rooms. If not possible, masks should be worn.

Carriers must wait for authorization to download material and follow your strict instructions. The reception of material should be limited to a single employee designated for that purpose, who will proceed with its collection and shipment, ensuring the disinfection of objects and hands.

The open doors to avoid contagion through the handles. If this is not possible, a manual disinfectant should be made available. Contact areas and surfaces should also be cleaned frequently.

Each organization must establish a plan to clean and disinfect the facilities and post it in a visible place;

There should be a system to record the cleaning with identification of the responsible persons and the frequency with which it is carried out, which at this stage should be increased: it is not enough to follow the usual cleaning schedules stipulated above.

Cleaning professionals should knows the products to use (detergents and disinfectants), which meet the requirements recommended by the General Directorate of Health. For each product there must be a technical sheet, with the precautions that must be taken with its handling, dilution and application in safe conditions, protection during the procedures of cleaning the spaces and ensuring its ventilation during cleaning and disinfection.

Screens and keyboards, as well as frequent contact areas and surfaces, should be cleaned frequently, preferably with alcohol-based cleaning wipes and quick disinfection.

The work uniforms they must be ventilated and washed frequently.

If he changing rooms do not allow a safety distance of 2 meters between people, its use should be implemented in phases.

When accessing and staying in the changing rooms, the use of a mask or visor is mandatory, just like inside any building.

One must be promoted control access to changing rooms, to guarantee the minimum safety distances and guarantee its disinfection after each use, as well as the provision of an alcohol-based antiseptic solution for workers to use before entering.

Ideally, and in the case of workers using public transport, the same should no longer be equipped from home.

In the public service professions, in addition to the mandatory use of a mask or visor, in the boxes or at the counters of the clients, it is also recommended installation of physical acrylic barriers.

No transportation of employees on buses, the recommended distance must be maintained and a protective mask or visor must be used, ensuring the correct hygiene and disinfection of the vehicle, as well as special attention at the exits and entrances on the buses.

In moments of food You must not share food and employees must use disposable utensils. At the food table, each individual must keep the seat in front of him and on his side free, to guarantee a minimum distance of 2 meters for each side between the individuals. Alternate and reduced meal shifts should be defined.

It should be limited to the maximum. exchange or exchange of objects and tools between employees, which must also be disinfected after each use.

The common crossing and contact areas, must be disinfected frequently with an alcohol-based solution (minimum 70%): toilets, access doors, handles, handles, faucets, equipment and tools.

Promotion of systematic hand disinfection (whenever possible), using soap and water on the entire surface of the hands, for at least 20 seconds, or applying an alcohol-based disinfecting solution (minimum 70%).

A hygiene and cleaning procedure should be established with respect to service vehicles, with special emphasis on those that can be shared by several users or that involve the transport of several people. In such cases, and whenever there is a change in the occupants or users, cleaning must be carried out before the new use, with special emphasis on the normal contact points (steering wheel, controls, handles, levers, among others).

Customers will be informed the safety instructions they must comply with, as well as the need to safeguard the minimum social distance of 2 meters. Disinfectant gel will also be available before entering the facility.

A vehicle delivery It will also respect the safety distance between people, and the employee must properly disinfect the vehicle.

All services received must have been previously programmed through remote contact means.

Budgets, approval of repair orders, payments and invoices. they must also be carried out remotely, using electronic means. In cases where, due to technical impossibility or user failure, it is not possible to use these means remotely, the necessary precautions regarding the protection of those involved must be reinforced, with the use of protection means (masks , gloves, visors), promoting hygiene. of hands and utensils (for example, ATMs and pens) and minimizing the use and contact with documentation.

Vehicles for medical emergency services and other public services, as well as for the transportation of essential goods, must have priority programming and service.

The vehicle deposit and key in the workshop it must be done outside, whenever the physical conditions of the workshop allow it, at the previously agreed times and in a safe space, determined and marked by the workshop for this purpose.

Car intervention must start and end with disinfection of all frequent points of physical contact: Keys, Doors, Handles, Steering Wheels, Parking Brake, Shift Lever and Internal Instruction Handles.

During vehicle intervention, disposable material must be used to protect the seats, the steering wheels, the handbrake handle and the shift levers.

The personal items it must not be manipulated inside the vehicle.

The realization of Road tests or vehicle demonstrations must be limited to the essential, and the customer demands it. In this case, only two people are allowed in the vehicle, one in the front and one in the rear, wearing masks. The vehicle must then be disinfected or quarantined.

Safety measures must be implemented for workers. delivery and collection of material or parts, or collection and delivery of vehicles at the customer’s or supplier’s premises. In addition to knowing the use of PPE, which must be made available to them, they must not enter the facilities of third parties where they go.

The impact of public access spaces in retail establishments, large commercial areas and shopping complexes should be observed. maximum indicative occupancy rule of 0.05 people per square meter of area.
