ATMs disinfected with each use and unmasked customers are on the doorstep. The new rules for trade and services – Observer



In all activities, the rules of physical distance must be followed:

Comply with regulatory or public authority guidelines regarding maximum occupancy of the establishment.

Secure a minimum distance of two meters between people and their stay only for the necessary time the purchase of products or the provision of the service, resorting, if necessary, to the partial inactivation of the service points or provision of services;

Organize customer contributions, placing marks where possible on the floor that indicate minimum distances between clients in the queues of service and payment or access to the establishment.

Reconfigure, whenever possible, the arrangement of furniture., namely, shelves and showcases, inside establishments, to facilitate, in circulation, compliance with the minimum safety distances.

Remove Physical elements of potential contact with clients that are not essential for the activity in question.

Separate, where appropriate, people’s circuits, using separate doors for entry and exit to avoid crossing between people. If this is not possible, it is proposed to define entry and exit routes, to minimize the crossing of circuits.

Keep safe distance in rest areas, such as cafes or bathrooms.

Privileged ways to contact customers, suppliers and partners distance (supplier materials orders, quotes and online appointments for customers).

Individual protection measures

The use of personal protective equipment must follow the guidelines of the DGS. Appropriate measures must be taken to protect people against the risks of contamination of workers and customers, namely:

Make available Protective masks or visor for use by all workers.

Inform clients about the mandatory use of a protective mask or visor and prevent entry of those who do not wear a mask, except when this is not possible, for example, in circumstances of providing some personal care services.

It is mandatory to provide solutions based on alcohol / alcohol gel, for professionals and clients, at all entrances and exits of establishments, as well as, in the interior, in different locations according to the organization of each space, particularly in sanitary facilities, in a minimum ratio of one dispenser per 100 square meters of area.

Make available paper towels to dry your hands, in sanitary facilities and in other places, to access workers and / or clients, where hand hygiene is possible;

Publish the brochure of the Directorate of Health on proper handwashing in healthcare facilities.


Ensure adequate ventilation in all spaces, ensuring natural ventilation of workplaces, whenever possible.

In closed spaces, doors or windows must be open To keep the environment clean, dry and well ventilated or, if this is not possible, the effective operation of the ventilation system, as well as its cleaning and maintenance, should be guaranteed, recommending:

  • Keep rooms ventilated (at least 6 air changes per hour)
  • If you use a forced air ventilation system, make sure that air is drawn directly from the outside, the air recirculation function must not be activated.
  • Periodically clean and disinfect ventilation and air conditioning systems.
  • Maintain dehumidification, ventilation and air conditioning function. outside.
  • Beef up water tank disinfection condensate and cooling water from the fan turbines.

Hygiene and disinfection of spaces and equipment.

Companies, or those responsible for the management of the establishment, must define a plan to clean and disinfect the facilities that must be placed in a visible place and obey the following rules:

Frequent cleaning and disinfection. of spaces, equipment, objects, utensils and surfaces, namely sanitary facilities, test rooms, furniture, floors, doors, showcases, displays, hardware, hangers and vending machines.

Cleaning and disinfection, after each use or interaction, automatic payment terminals and other equipment, objectives and tools in direct contact with the customer or used for their service.

Use of disinfectant-based detergents that meet the requirements recommended by DGS.

Adoption of a cleaning log with identification of the responsible persons and the frequency with which it is carried out.

Observe the recommended protocol for waste treatment, particularly with regard to personal protective equipment.

Priority service

In addition to the priority service rules defined by law, priority attention should be given to the following categories of people:

Immunocompromised and patients with a chronic disease that, according to the guidelines of the health authorities, should be considered at risk, namely:

  • Old people over 70 years.
  • People with Chronic diseases – heart, lung, diabetes, malignancies or high blood pressure, among others.
  • People with immune system compromise (undergoing chemotherapy treatments, treatments for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, multiple sclerosis or some inflammatory bowel diseases, HIV / AIDS or transplant patients).

Health professionals, members of the security, protection and rescue forces and services, personnel of the armed forces and provision of social support services.


The public service hours must respect the more or less restrictive measures that may be adopted or recommended, favoring an adaptation of schedules This generally allows less circulation and flows of public assistance.

Hours of work should, whenever possible, be differentiated to organize employee turnover, to reduce the number of workers in the establishment simultaneously.

Complaints book

The consumer must be informed that the complaint can be sent through the online platform If the economic operator has not yet registered on the electronic complaints platform, it must be done as a matter of urgency.

Although in the current situation the obligation to present the complaint book in physical format is suspended, when it is allowed to be available, if the consumer prefers to present his complaint in this format, the economic operator must inform him that, Before filing a complaint, you should disinfect your hands or wear gloves and ensure that disinfection is carried out before and after placement; After completing the claim form, the economic operator must deliver the duplicate to the claimant, who must disinfect his hands again.

Management, dispensing and payment of products and services.

Containment should be ensured to the extent possible. customer contact with products or equipment, as well as unpackaged items, which should preferably be handled and dispensed by professionals after rigorous handwashing.

One must be promoted access control to changing rooms or test spaces in establishments ready to use, in order to guarantee the minimum safety distances and guarantee its disinfection after each use, as well as the supply of an alcohol-based antiseptic solution for customers to use before entering.

After the race Products should be separated and should not be displayed again until more than the number of hours of coronavirus survival has elapsed, according to the material in question, according to information from the health authorities.

Preference should be given to payment by card or other electronic method, in particular no contact, avoiding cash payment.

In the case of product return, to its disinfection.
