Tomorrow is the last day that you can circulate between provinces (until April 5)


The prohibition of circulation between municipalities in the continental territory due to Easter will begin at the beginning of this weekend, starting at 00:00 hours on Friday (Thursday afternoon). It will also last until April 5, that is, ten days.

The Government rectified this Wednesday the decree of the state of emergency of a week ago, informing that the prohibition of circulating between municipalities begins at 00:00 hours from Thursday to Friday. At 5:00 am on April 5, this ban ends.

During the same period, the determination of the obligation to pay taxes on housing is in force.

On this occasion, there is no exception for the trips of people who are in transit, that is, before this Friday they went to another municipality and intend to return during Holy Week. This is now forbidden, unlike what happened at Christmas.

The measure intends “to ensure that Easter is not a time of travel and meeting, but, on the contrary, another moment of confinement,” justified the prime minister when announcing the plan of distrust, on March 11.

Fines continue to range between 200 and 1,000 euros for individuals and between 2,000 and 20,000 euros for legal entities.

The exceptions to leave the house during this period are the same that have been in force, also adding the exception of “going to mass”, since the churches are already authorized to have faithful in the services.

What happens after Easter?

April 05

As of April 5, face-to-face teaching in schools returns to the second and third cycles. They also open social facilities in the field of disability, museums, monuments, palaces and art galleries. Shops of up to 200 square meters with doors to the street and fairs and markets are resuming economic activity, but the decision is made by the municipalities. In terms of dispossession, low-risk return modalities and outdoor activity are now allowed for groups of up to four people. Gyms also reopen, but without group classes, restaurants and cafes can reopen if they have a terrace, and only for this service.

April 19th

On April 19, secondary and higher education students return to school. They open theaters, auditoriums, cinemas and other concert halls, as well as citizen shops. The cafes and cakes also reopen with table service inside limited to four people and on the terraces to six people per table. They must close at 9:00 p.m. on weekdays and at 1:00 p.m. on weekends and holidays. It is also possible to hold small events abroad, always subject to a pre-established capacity by the DGS. Outdoor physical activity is allowed for a maximum of six people. Weddings and baptisms are now possible, but only with 25% capacity.

May 3

On May 3, cafes and patisseries will be able to have table service for up to six people inside and ten people on the terrace. There is no longer a timetable for closing these deals. Large indoor and outdoor events are now possible, as long as they are subject to DGS capacity assessment. Celebrations such as weddings and baptisms can also be held with a capacity of 50%. Gyms can now function normally.

The plan, which António Costa described as “prolonged”, “conservative” and “dropper”, foresees a gradual resumption of activities until May 3. You can check the same here.
