Ascent Simões. The socialist Twitter champion who goes from controversy to controversy


Ascent Simões has been the main topic of public opinion, after writing an article in the Public newspaper where he defended, among other things, the demolition of the Padrão dos Descobrimentos, taking the course followed by the recent removal of the coats of arms in Praça . make Imperial. The cause? His connection with the Estado Novo as a “monument to the dictatorial regime”, as he later explained to the Observer, also defending the Socialist deputy that “Salazarism did not die” and that “there must have been blood” on April 25.

The opinion article generated waves of controversy and led several party leaders to condemn the words of Simões, who, in statements to the same newspaper, ended up explaining that it was not “literal” when he referred to the need for the deaths on 25 April. yes, yes, “epistemological cuts”. Regarding the demolition of the Padrão dos Descobrimentos, however, the Socialist deputy remained faithful to his article, comparing this possibility with the overthrow of statues in other situations and the change of the name of the Salazar Bridge to the April 25 Bridge.

These statements took place at the same time that Ascenso Simões voted against the vote of condolence in Parliament for the death of Marcelino da Mata and, in statements to the Public, defended that “our History needs to be decolonized, it needs a cleaning of the atavism historiography which were also marked by positivist research ”. “An anachronistic story cannot be borne, but a false story is unbearable,” he added.

However, this is not the first time that Ascenso Simões has been embroiled in a public controversy. In September 2020, the PSP prevented the Socialist deputy from parking in Parliament due to the public works that were being carried out on Rua de São Bento. The police forces present at the scene approached Ascenso Simões, who seemed not to want to obey the order and got involved in a discussion with a popular who was nearby, ending with the Socialist deputy for calling the citizen a “fascist”. salazarista ”and“ antiparliamentary ”.

Twitter no jokes The greatest controversy of the socialist deputy, however, is related to his use of the social network Twitter, where, however, he did not create an official account again, but where in 2020 he generated waves of controversy, when responding to several Internet users. in an informal and insulting way, even threatening.

There are several examples captured by users in an environment where nothing is completely erased. Nowadays it is impossible to access the original tweets, since the deputy’s account has been deleted, but the reality is that there are hundreds of copies of Ascenso Simões messages and responses distributed over the Internet to various users.

In a tweet criticizing João Cotrim Figueiredo and Carlos Guimarães Pinto, from the Liberal Initiative, a user decided to respond to Ascenso Simões, wanting to remind him of “the position he occupies”, calling to “be a professional, which presupposes probity.” . In response, the socialist deputy asked the user “what is your street and your corner.” In the same tweet, about the members of the Liberal Initiative, another user also emphasized pointing a finger at the deputy, referring to the “lack of level.” Ascenso Simões’s response was at least an unorthodox suggestion. “Protect your breasts, Maria. This photo is excessively liberal … ”, replied the Socialist deputy.

As these are several cases to point out, such as when, in response to a tweet in which a user ironically suggested to Ascenso Simões that he “call PIDE”, the deputy decided to respond to the letter. “I used to call PIDE to come to your house. If you don’t have judgment, ”he said.

There are also several situations where the socialist deputy responds to users using terms such as “dumb”, “stupid”, “stupid” and “absent from the brain”.

To the i, the political scientist João Pereira Coutinho revealed that he believed that “the deputy has every right to say what he says, in the same way that his critics have every right to criticize him in the harshest terms.” “Freedom of expression is not used only to express determined or learned opinions. It also serves to provoke, idiocy or obscenities. At the time when our extreme left and our extreme right fight in public to see who is the most censorious, it is good to remember the basics to the basics, “he adds, arguing that” politically, the only sanction that should eventually exist on the deputy would be by electoral means, but until there is a reform of the electoral system that makes the representative accountable to his voters, nothing is done ”.

The account used to publish the controversial tweets was finally deleted and a new one appeared with the name Ascenso Simões, apparently official. The deputy accused the creation of a false account and disassociated himself from these comments, saying that they were made by someone pretending to be you. “That atrocious language does not define me,” the deputy began by explaining, who did not miss the opportunity to defend himself. “Anyone who knows me knows that, even in the face of opposition, I have always been loyal and loyal,” he said, concluding that “all those offended by the false account will have the opportunity to know that it is just that.”

The reality, however, is that the supposedly false account had content that almost no one other than Ascenso Simões could have published, such as images within the plenary session, from the point of view of the seats where the deputies sit, and content with more information private and even on Parliament. It is recalled, for example, that in May 2020, Ascenso Simões published a tweet with an image of the voting guide distributed to the deputies of the Socialist Party, where the vote against the cellulose rate, which Simões defended, was found. In that position, the deputy also took the opportunity to criticize the PS, revealing that he did not “see himself in a parliamentary group that deceives its deputies.” The allegedly “false” account also contained the official page of the deputy on the website of the parliamentary group of the PS, it was followed by various members of the Government, such as the Cabinet of the Minister of Agriculture, and was part of the official account of the parliamentary group of the Socialist Party social network.

However, the use of Twitter to respond to the accusations is not new for Ascenso Simões. In 2017, the Socialist deputy suggested a “couple of slaps” to João Marques de Almeida, a columnist for the newspaper Observador, who wrote an article comparing António Costa with Donald Trump.

In 2018, the controversy struck again Simões, who mentioned in a tweet that dragons, referring to FC Porto, were “animals that came out of an alternative house.” “Obvious lack of patience for those who wear blue and white. Andrades are a horrible thing, ”the deputy also stressed.

The statements caused controversy among the different FC Porto fans, who harshly criticized the words of Ascenso Simões. In response, the socialist announced that he had sent a letter to President Jorge Nuno Pinto da Costa apologizing for the statements. “The avalanche of protests, subpoenas, heated reactions, character evaluations was endless. And, before them, he would have two actions to take: either devalue them or frame and clarify them. I soon opted for this second attitude, ”he said at the time.
