Ex-director of the secret in Madeira accused of fraud in pyramid scheme


The Public Ministry, through the Central Directorate for Criminal Investigation and Action (DCIAP), recently charged 11 defendants and two companies for the crimes of fraud, criminal association and money laundering. According to the ‘Jornal de Notícias’, it is a pyramid scheme that has managed to attract some 13 thousand clients from all over the world and more than 15 million euros from Portugal.

Also according to JN, one of the alleged leaders of the ‘Wing’ company was João Nepomuceno Andrade, a former PSP agent and former regional director of the Madeira Security Information Service (SIS). For DCIAP, João Andrade belonged to the top of the pyramid and was responsible for the presentations aimed at attracting clients.

The role of the ex-spy would be to recruit new victims, make promotional videos and intervene in meetings with hundreds of people to attract new clients.

Promising big returns in a short time, business mentors said they sell computer applications, ‘cloud’ data storage and other services that, however, did not exist. The alleged scheme began in 2013, in Brazil, and only ended when the company began to be investigated in the United States.
