If you receive SMS from 2424, don’t be surprised. It’s a message about vaccination


The National Communications Authority (Anacom) assigned the right to use the number 2424 to the Shared Services of the Ministry of Health to send SMS to the population in the context of vaccination against covid-19.

In a statement, Anacom reports that the abbreviated number 2424 will be used by SPMS – Shared Services of the Ministry of Health “exclusively to send short messages (SMS) to the population as part of the implementation of the national vaccination plan against covid-19. , including submitting paperless prescriptions and scheduling appointments during that time. “

This attribution is made exceptionally and during the execution of the national vaccination plan against covid-19, considering its patent and notorious relevance for the public interest in combating the pandemic that is hitting the country, and the fact that it is of a number destined only to send / receive short messages (SMS) “, explains the authority.

Anacom emphasizes that “SPMS must guarantee the implementation of the service so that it is accessed by all citizens, always in the same way, on all national (mobile) networks, regardless of the network where the communication originates, which free for the end user “.

According to the regulatory authority, the option of the SPMS for the number 2424 “arises from considering that this specific number allows users to safely identify the origin of the information sent, given the familiarity with the SNS line number 24 – 808 24 24 24 “.
