Mayor vaccinated? “The fat woman breaks lines. The time I was born thin was bad”


“President of the Câmara de Portimão. The fat lines up. Meanwhile, I was born thin “. This is how Ana Rita Cavaco, president of the Ordem dos Diseases, reacted, on social networks, to an alleged new case of improper vaccination against Covid-19, having, this time, the mayor of Portimão, Isilda Gomes, as the protagonist.

In a Facebook post of the municipality, published last Monday, it is explained that the mayor “She dedicates part of her day as a citizen and volunteer to promoting virtual visits by relatives to Covid patients admitted to the Hospital de Campanha do Portimão Arena and which is operated by the Centro Hospitalar Universitário do Algarve (CHUA) “.

The note continues, stating that “on the opening date of the CHUA Arena, all those who worked were vaccinated,” the “Despite the fact that Isilda Gomes was asked to volunteer for the Virtual Visits project, this condition is necessary for her to be able to exercise this function”.

In statements to the Observer, the mayor of Portimão stressed that she “has not yet contacted” any patient and justified considering that she belongs to a risk group: “I am 69 years old, I am obese and hypertensive”. This phrase provoked the reaction of Ana Rita Cavaco.

It should be remembered that, in recent days, some situations of alleged improper vaccinations have been revealed, with cases that have even led to dismissals. Remember here.

In a statement, the cabinet led by Marta Temido said that “considers unacceptable any misuse of vaccines that occurs during the vaccination process” and remember that the plan in question was “designed based on technical criteria, backed by the best scientific evidence.”

Also read: Inadequate vaccination. Even the priest ‘got ahead’ in Valongo do Vouga

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