Ventura may have the highest public funding


The presidential elections that took place yesterday promise to be the cheapest since the campaign accounts are audited, and the candidate who came third, André Ventura, should receive the highest public subsidy.

The law provides for the allocation of a fixed amount to the different candidates, and then a value based on the electoral results, which initially places Marcelo as the candidate with the most funding. But the Law on Financing of Political Parties and Electoral Campaigns also says that “the subsidy cannot, in any case, exceed the amount of the expenses actually incurred.” That is, the candidates cannot receive more money from the public coffers than they spent on the electoral campaign.

Now, Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa presented a budget that foresees 25 thousand euros in expenses. Ana Gomes, for her part, presented to the Constitutional Court a forecast of expenses of 53,500 thousand euros, while André Ventura’s budget foresees an amount of expenses of 160 thousand euros.

Under the law, presidential candidates are entitled to a public subsidy worth 10,000 times the value of the Social Support Index (IAS), currently at 438.81 euros, for a total amount of 4.3 million euros. This amount falls into a mandatory cut, the result of a 2017 law that imposed that “the amount of the public subsidy for electoral campaigns be definitively reduced by 20%.” With this decrease, the total subsidy to the presidential campaign is 3.5 million euros, as can be seen on the page of the National Electoral Commission.

To access this scholarship, candidates must exceed the 5% threshold, which, in the case of Sunday’s election results, excludes public funding for the candidacies of João Ferreira, Marisa Matias, Tiago Mayan Gonçalves and Vitorino Silva .
