André Ventura declares “historical night” of “anti-system” force


“For the first time a party declared anti-system broke the spectrum of the traditional right with about half a million votes,” said André Ventura, with a candidacy that “managed to break the usual blockade in Portugal.”

André Ventura emphasizes that his candidacy had more votes than the candidacies of the PCP, Bloco de Esquerda and Iniciativa Liberal combined. Besides considering that Chega is the true alternative, he stressed: “We crushed the extreme left in Portugal.”

He acknowledges, however, that one of the objectives has failed, to get ahead of Ana Gomes, and that he will return the floor to the militants to find out if they want to continue with the party.

He also highlighted the results obtained by his candidacy in territories with a strong voting record in the Communist Party. André Ventura also addressed the Portuguese right, considering that “there are no duplicates” after today’s elections. “There will be no government in Portugal without us,” André Ventura said.
