Hacker Rui Pinto has already voted and published a newsletter on twitter! What does the law say?


Today is early voting day! For Portugal, contrary to expectations, thousands of people wait in huge lines to vote for their candidate for the Presidency of the Republic. Hacker Rui Pinto has already voted and even posted the newsletter on Twitter with his intention to vote.

In Portugal, the penal code provides for a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine of up to 120 days.

Hacker Rui Pinto has already voted and published a newsletter on twitter!  What does the law say?

Organic Law No. 3/2020, of November 11, establishes an exceptional and temporary regime for early voting for voters in compulsory detention and Organic Law No. 4/2020, of November 11, modified the different Electoral Laws and early voting on mobility has been extended to all municipalities, so that, at present, the form of exercise of the right to early voting, in national territory, covers: Hospitalized patients, prisoners, mobile and mandatory confined - COVID-19 more here ).

Rui Pinto, the famous Portuguese hacker has also voted and has even published his newsletter on Twitter. Not surprisingly, the hacker claims that he voted for candidate Ana Gomes. The diplomat has already come to thank Rui Pinto for his support

Rui Pinto subject to a prison sentence of up to one year or a fine of up to 120 days

In accordance with article 342, on the violation of the secrecy of the scrutiny, it establishes that “who, in an election referred to in paragraph 1 of article 338, carried out by secret ballot, in contravention of the legal provision intended to ensure secrecy of counting, knowing or making known to another person the meaning of a voter's vote is punishable by imprisonment of up to 1 year or a fine of up to 120 days ”.
