“They intended to assassinate Nancy Pelosi and take members of Congress hostage.” Jim Costa, a Portuguese congressman who was on Capitol Hill …


And how can President Biden address these millions of people? Especially the most faithful, like those who occupied the Capitol?
I think that for many of those who have become followers of this cult – I call it a cult – QAnon and other groups, it will be very difficult for Biden to be able to captivate them. But I think there is a large percentage of Republicans, I can’t tell you the number, who I think will like the fact that Biden addresses them, reaches out to them and reaches out to them and, as past presidents, before Trump. Try to unite the country. This shows good faith. I believe that our country needs to put this chaos behind it. After the last four years, due to the nature of this psychopathic and evil narcissist who has the temperament of a 12-year-old boy, return to a normal presidency.

He spoke of some Republicans who are distancing themselves from President Trump. Vice President Pence said he would be present at Joe Biden’s inauguration. Is this another sign of distance between Trump and Pence? Trump has already said he would not go.
Yes, I think Pence has been very upset and furious with the president. He was as loyal as he could have been. I know Mike Pence. In the article I wrote, I explain that when we finished counting, after Wyoming, Vice President Pence announced that “President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris have 306 votes in the Electoral College and President Trump has 232 votes. votes, certification has been registered, and the next US president is Joe Biden ”- I met with Mike Pence. Mike Pence’s office, when he was in the House of Representatives, was next to mine, and we both traveled to the Middle East several times in 2006 and 2010, so we got to know each other well over the years. I turned to him and said, “Mr. Vice President, I know you have been under great pressure from the President and others, but I want to thank you for doing your duty.” He looked at me and said, “Jim, this is a compliment from you. Appreciate. ”And I responded,“ Mike, this is our country. It’s the Constitution. ”He smiled and gave me a thumbs-up.

And do you think you will invoke the 25th Amendment? [Nota: a entrevista aconteceu horas antes de Mike Pence confirmar formalmente, em carta enviada a Nancy Pelosi, aquilo que já se afigurava como mais que provável: não irá fazê-lo.]
No I dont think so. Maybe you would like to, but I don’t think so. First, it would have to have a majority in the government, and the government is in disarray. Three members of the government have already resigned last week. They left and were the most likely to support the 25th Amendment. Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao, Betsy DeVos, Education. Then there is Mike Pompeo, Secretary of State, who is trying to position himself for a run for the presidency in four years, there is the Secretary of Housing and Planning, Ben Carson… These people will not support the 25th Amendment.

So this means the House of Representatives is going to vote the impeachment process this Wednesday [Nota: já depois da entrevista, a Câmara confirmou a acusação contra Trump]. The deadlines, and we saw it last year, tell us that the president will not be removed from office in the next eight days. That is, it would have no practical effect. What is the purpose of “firing” a former president?
Two points. First, he must be held accountable, and no American president has ever been held accountable. the impeachment process twice. Second, we can determine when we ship items from the impeachment process (and I think we will have enough votes, I think there will be Republican votes too) that when the Senate receives them – and Senator Mitch McConnell, who is the Republican Majority Leader in the Senate, said he would not get it to the Senate before the 19 , and Biden takes office on the 20th, and that means Chuck Schumer will become Majority Leader and Kamala Harris will preside over the Senate and the the impeachment process it’s just an accusation; the Senate determines whether there is a conviction or not; it may include an impediment to running for federal public office again. More and more Republican senators, in the last four days, watching videos of what happened that Wednesday night, they get more and more furious when they see the Senate chamber occupied by this crowd… Very few people are allowed to enter the Senate. You must be a senator, member of Congress, or a privileged official to be there. It is the Holy Grail. Seeing this happen, many Republicans are very frustrated with Trump and want him to leave. But I think there is some motivation. For Republicans, one of the ways they have successfully dealt with this hostile partisan occupation that President Trump has successfully accomplished for four years (he has never been a Republican before) is to prevent him from running again. There are many Republican senators who would like to run in four years.

Is it time for Republicans to ditch Trump? For some it is too late, but there are still those who pledge allegiance

Why did this distance between Republicans and Trump not happen earlier, during his term? Was this event the defining moment?
This may have been the last straw. Many of us, except the true faithful, know that Trump doesn’t care about the country, he cares about himself and his fortune. He tries to take every opportunity to put money in his own pocket while he is president. He terribly abused the Presidency, in terms of traditions and customs. But it also caused damage to our alliances in Europe.

Do you think the end of Trump’s term is the end of Trumpism? Or will he find other ways to stay in American politics?
You will surely try to find ways to stay active. Due to this lie that he has been perpetrating for two and a half months, he managed to collect, under the false pretext that it was for his legal defense, more than 200 million dollars. This gives you a lot of money to use for your own purposes, political and otherwise. He did not spend $ 200 million on court cases. He will try to stay active. It will be interesting to see how he is going to do it, when he no longer has the media attention. If you keep getting banned from Twitter and Facebook, how can you continue this psychopathic narcissism that you need to constantly feed? It’s all about him. The big speculation is how long this Trumpism will continue. If it will be a year, two years or if it dissipates faster. There are some people, clearly people like Senator Ted Cruz or Senator [Josh] Hawley, who signed the petition to challenge the Arizona and Pennsylvania results because they believe they will be able to inherit Trump supporters when they run for president in four years. They know that they could not reverse the election, they know that the Electoral College would be duly certified. They knew all of this, but they were trying to contest Trump’s space, hoping to attract that support in the years to come.
