Socrates attacks the ″ brutality ″ of the extreme right and the ″ backbiting ″ of Ana Gomes


Former Prime Minister José Sócrates considers that a “wave of political degradation” has reached Portugal with the presidential elections, warns of the “brutality” of the extreme right and criticizes the “backbiting” of the candidate Ana Gomes.

These positions are contained in an article that José Sócrates published this Friday in the Brazilian magazine “Carta Capital”, entitled “Winds of tragedy”, in which he begins by referring to the lessons of history, based on a biography of Mussolini, ” M – the son of the century ”, by Antonio Scurati, and the recent invasion of the Capitol.

“Here, in Portugal, we also entered the electoral campaign for the presidency of the Republic. And here too the wave of political degradation overwhelmingly arrived. The entry into the campaign of the far-right candidate [André Ventura] everything changed, “says the former socialist leader, noting that” the show now is one of violence, personal aggression and brutality, first in words, it always begins with words.

“The language could not be more enlightening of the Brazilian inspiration. After all, this Salazarist right has never ceased to exist in Portugal. It was simply asleep by history and waiting for the right moment”, defends.

From the perspective of the former prime minister, in this form of André Ventura’s campaign, “Trump and Bolsonaro have given the password” by spreading the idea that “moderation and democratic civility are children of political correctness and we must put an end to that” .

“This is the first general impression of the campaign: savagery, humility and decadence. Defiant winds blow across the world. The century now lives with the ghost of the previous one. It remains to be seen who its children will be,” he writes.

Then, in the postscript, the same as always, José Sócrates also refers to the performance of the presidential candidate Ana Gomes, a former PS MEP, lamenting that the Portuguese left does not resist entering “the populist game.”

“One of the candidates also uses the anti-corruption primer, without any respect for innocence, the presumption of innocence, the individual rights guaranteed by the Constitution or, more simply, good education and respect for others . A whole political career dedicated to slander: he curses opponents, the rich, the powerful and curses his own comrades“criticizes the former socialist leader, adding that Ana Gomes follows the line of” cursing to please the lampoons and guarantee popularity. “

“The President of the Republic himself has to defend himself against the malicious insinuations of the candidate. In the end, we are left with the disgusting impression that none of this has any other purpose than to disguise a huge political vacuum,” he adds.
