What you can (and cannot) do in the new confinement | The measures of the new confinement


Do I have to stay home?
The duty of home care returns “as we had in March and April” as of this Friday, the Prime Minister explained. Which means that the rule is to stay home, going out only when necessary (buying food, going to the pharmacy, providing assistance to the family or fulfilling the duties of parental authority, among others).

But there are open schools …
Yes. It’s a difference from the first lockdown. All schools will be open. It is not yet clear what happens to the ATL.

Can I take my child to school?
Bearing in mind that school is an exception, this possibility should be foreseen, since young children do not go to school alone.

Do I have to have a statement to bring my child to school?
The answer is not yet clear. And it will be necessary to wait for the decree of execution of the state of emergency to be sure. As for exceptions, different rules on evidence are already in force. To go to work when there are restrictions on freedom of movement, a statement from the company is required, but people have never been required to have a statement to go to the supermarket or pharmacy.

I’m in exam time, what happens?
The government’s choice was not to interrupt higher education assessments, as this is a time when students naturally reduce their travel.

I can go to work?
Teleworking becomes mandatory, whenever possible, and does not need the agreement of the parties. Violation of the teleworking rule is considered a very serious offense. The government has also decided to increase all fines (“doubling,” Costa said) for those who do not comply with the regulations, including those who do not wear a mask.

Can I go out to dinner?
You can’t do that anymore. Not even on terraces.

But can I order food?
Yes. Restaurants may work in a to carry out or home delivery, which many already do.

Will public transportation work?
Yes. They continue to work with current health and safety rules. Also, with the new lockdown, fewer people are expected due to the new traffic restrictions.

Besides the restaurants, are the cafes also closed?
Yes. The entire restaurant sector will be closed. The rest of the trade also (such as clothing stores, decoration, shoe stores, hairdressers), with exceptions, such as supermarkets, workshops, hardware stores, or those that sell personal or household items.

Will supermarkets have time restrictions like March and April?
No. The prime minister said that “there is no reason to rush to supermarkets.” “This time”, there are no time restrictions. Also, the rule of five people per 100 square meters applies in grocery stores and supermarkets. And this time there is no doubt: fairs and markets for the sale of food products can work.

I was planning to do a home job now in January. Will it be possible?
Construction and industry, as in the first confinement, are sectors that will continue to operate. This means that everything indicates that you can do the work you had planned.

And do gyms close?
Yes. Many have developed lesson plans online that can be put into practice now more quickly, already with the knowledge gained from previous experience and the following months. Sports facilities and pavilions are also closed.

How do I maintain physical activity?
Physical exercise is allowed outdoors.

Is there no more football?
No. Professional football will continue, so you can follow the league games at home. The games will continue without an audience.

And the cinemas, theaters and theaters?
They will be closed. In the first confinement there was an increase in the online offer in the culture sector, to compensate for the closure of the rooms. Additionally, refunds of money for tickets already purchased have been a common practice since the pandemic began.

Can I go to the bank?
In the other confinement they were open, a rule that must be maintained, it still continues to favor online services.

And the hospital? I have an appointment next week …
Visits to hospitals have always been an exception to the stay-at-home rule. Dentists and offices, for example, will work.

I have an appointment to renew the citizen card. Will it be unmarked?
The Government provided various types of solutions for the renewal of the citizen card that do not involve physical travel. Even so, the executive decided to keep public services open by appointment. Courts will work too.

Will there be religious celebrations?
Yes. The Government considers that there has been an adaptation to the regulations that allow safe celebrations.

And funerals, what will the rules be like?
In the first confinement, the Government imposed very restrictive regulations on funerals that could only have direct relatives, without a funeral procession and without a mass. According to Lusa, the municipalities set the maximum number of people who can be present and immediate family members can always be present.

Can I go to vote on Election Day?
Yes. Despite the restrictions, the Government provides that on January 17 and 24 (early voting days and election day for the Presidency of the Republic) the Portuguese will be able to travel to exercise their right to vote.

When do the restrictions start and how long do they last?
The state of emergency approved by Parliament (the ninth) applies between 12:00 hours on Saturday, January 16, and 11:59 hours on the 30th of this month. However, these rules will go into effect at 12:00 am on January 15th. The government admits that the rules apply for one month.
